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event 23 mar. 2022

Rapport // Évaluation et surveillance des paramètres d’érosion des sols dans le bassin transfrontalier du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruzizi

event 22 mar. 2022

Report // Assessment and Monitoring of Soil Erosion Parameters in theTransboundary Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River Basin

event 15 dic. 2021

Rapport // Résumé de L'Etude de base du bassin du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruizizi

L'étude de référence du bassin fournit des informations sur l'état actuel des ressources en eau et de l'environnement naturel du bassin, tout en…

event 15 dic. 2021

Report // Summary of Lake Kivu and Ruzizi/Rusizi River Basin

The basin baseline study documents the current state of the basin’s water resources and natural environment while also identifying current strengths,…

event 15 dic. 2021

Factsheet // Bassin du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruzizi/Rusizi

L'étude de référence du bassin fournit des informations sur l'état actuel des ressources en eau et de l'environnement naturel du bassin, tout en…

event 15 dic. 2021

Factsheet // Baseline Study of Lake Kivu and the Ruzizi/Rusizi River

The basin baseline study documents the current state of the basin’s water resources and natural environment while also identifying current strengths,…

event 21 sept. 2021

Rapport // Etude de base du bassin du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruizizi

L'étude de base du bassin documente l'état actuel des ressources en eau et de l'environnement naturel du bassin tout en identifiant les forces,…

event 15 sept. 2021

Report // Baseline Study for the Basin of Lake Kivu and the Ruzizi River

The basin baseline study documents the current state of the basin’s water resources and natural environment while also identifying current strengths,…

event 28 may. 2020

Project // Support to the Integrated Management of Water Resources of Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River

This project aims at improving the hydrological and operational management of Lake Kivu and the Ruzizi River, while pursuing an integrated and…

event 28 may. 2020

Nexus Fact Sheet // Soutien à la gestion des ressources en eau du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruzizi

L'objectif du projet est d'améliorer la gestion des ressources en eau du Lac Kivu et de la Rivière Ruzizi. Il apporte un soutien aux différents…

event 28 may. 2020

Nexus Fact Sheet // Support of the water resources management at Lake Kivu and the Ruzizi River

The aim of the project is to support the regional river basin organization ABAKIR (Autorité du Bassin du Lac Kivu et de la Rivière Ruzizi) to improve…

event 01 oct. 2019

Stakeholder Involvement Kick-off-Workshop // Regional Project: Support to the Integrated Management of Water Resources of Lake Kivu and the Ruzizi River

A Stakeholder Involvement Kick-off Workshop was conducted in Kigali, on May 14, 2019. The purpose of this workshop was, to bring together relevant…

event 01 oct. 2019

Project // Support to the Integrated Management of Water Resources of Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River

This project aims at improving the hydrological and operational management of Lake Kivu and the Ruzizi River, bordering the Democratic Republic of…

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