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46 Recursos
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event 31 mar. 2021

Network // Waterpreneurs

Waterpreneurs acts as a catalyst, mobilising versatile expertise and a global network of influential key stakeholders, accelerating collaborations…

event 09 dic. 2019

Nexus Conference // EU fosters multisectoral thinking and investment for sustainable development in Central Asia

The closing conference for the EU-funded “Central Asia Nexus Dialogue” was held November 18th in Ashgabat - Turkmenistan to present the results of…

event 12 nov. 2018

​​​Water-Energy-Food-Health Nexus Renewable Resources Initiative (WEFRAH)

WEFRAH is an initiative led by AUB's FAFS. This two year seed funding initiative includes a critical mass of faculty from across the university.…

event 31 oct. 2018

Water, Land and Ecosystems 2017-2018 Research Highlights // Solutions for Thriving Ecosystems

Agriculture is one of humanity’s great success stories, yet it is one of the lead causes of environmental degradation and social inequity. Business…

event 01 oct. 2018

Initiative by UNU-INWEH // "Water Security and Nexus"

"Water Security and Nexus" is a global initiative by UNU-INWEH that supports decision makers and development community in applying water security…

event 27 ago. 2018

Partnership to Promote Water and Energy Sustainability // Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions

The Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions is a partnership by the United Nation's Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and the…

event 03 jul. 2018

Water-Peace Nexus // The Water, Peace and Security Initiative (WPSI)

The Water, Peace and Security Initiative (WPSI) is pioneering the development of innovative information tools and practical approaches that can…

event 04 may. 2018

WASAG // The Global Framework on Water Scarcity in Agriculture

WASAG has been designed to bring together key players across the globe and across sectors to tackle the collective challenge of using water better in…

event 16 abr. 2018

Integrating Nexus Research // Nexus Project Cluster

The Nexus Project Cluster” is an initiative that aims to enhance communication, dissemination, and the impact of research and initiatives on the…

event 06 abr. 2017

Research Network // Future Earth Water-Energy-Food Nexus Knowledge-Action Network

The Knowledge-Action Network on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus is a collaborative initiative of the Core Projects of Future Earth, the Future Earth…

event 15 mar. 2017

CECAN // Centre for the Evaluation of Complexity Across the Nexus (UK)

CECAN, a £3m national research centre hosted by the University of Surrey, brings together a coalition of experts to address Nexus issues in policy…

event 25 ene. 2017

Research // WEF Nexus Research Group

Global shifts in risks and the changes associated with water, energy, and food securities are the focus of the TAMU Water-Energy-Food Research Group.…

event 13 oct. 2015

Initiative // FE2W Network: Food Energy Environemt Water

FE2W is a group of leading experts from universities, multilateral organisations and non-government organisations committed to addressing the world's…

event 19 ago. 2015

Website // Water, Food and Energy

Competing Demands

event 03 jul. 2013

Website // Large-Scale Irrigation - Understanding Energy-Water-Food Connections

A MIT team is providing new understanding of the growing interconnections among three critical resources: energy, water, and food. The work focuses…

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