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179 Recursos
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event 17 mar. 2018

Saving Watts to Save Drops // Inclusion of Water Efficiency in Energy Efficiency Programs

By Weston Berg and David Ribeiro. This study provides an overview of practices for quantifying and reporting avoided energy-water costs from…

event 08 mar. 2018

The Reuse Opportunity // Cities Seizing the Reuse Opportunity in a Circular Economy

This report argues that decisive, urgent and large-scale action is needed to dramatically increase wastewater treatment, reuse and recycling. The…

event 08 mar. 2018

Upper River Basin Watersheds // Sustainable, Equitable and Profitable Interventions

The CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems (WLE) has conducted innovative research in the upper watersheds of the Ganges, Mekong, Red…

event 15 feb. 2018

BMZ Water Strategy // A Key Contribution to Implementing the 2030 Agenda and the Paris Agreement

For the global development agenda, the decisions taken in 2015 - above all the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Paris…

event 13 feb. 2018

HLPF Policy Brief #9 // Water-Energy-Food Nexus for the Review SDG 7

This document is a part of a series of policy briefs being developed to support SDG7 review at the UN High Level Political Forum to be held in July…

event 11 ene. 2018

UN ESCWA // The Water, Energy and Food Security Nexus in the Arab Region

Constructing an analytical framework for examining the water-energy-food (WEF) security nexus in the Arab region requires a common vision based on…

event 11 dic. 2017

Report and Policy Brief // Rethinking Water in Central Asia: The Costs of Inaction and Benefits of Water Cooperation

By Benjamin Pohl, Annika Kramer, William Hull, Sabine Blumstein (adelphi), Iskandar Abdullaev, Jusipbek Kazbekov, Tais Reznikova, Ekaterina…

event 17 oct. 2017

Policy Brief // The Natural Resources and Security Nexus

By Yulia Aleshchenkova, Alberto Pallecchi, Kitty van der Heijden and Tim Sweijs. This Issue Brief summarizes the key takeaways of a meeting of a…

event 26 jun. 2017

Working Paper // Making governance work for water-energy-food nexus approaches

This CDKN working paper by Andrew Scott of the Overseas Development Institute explores the effectiveness of governing for the “water-energy-food…

event 23 jun. 2017

Hydropower // Addressing Climate Vulnerability for Power System Resilience and Energy Security - A Focus on Hydropower Resources

By Molly Hellmuth, Pamela Cookson and Joanne Potter, ICF/USAid. Hydropower is always at the heart of the Nexus. This paper aims to inform energy…

event 15 jun. 2017

Advancing the Energy-Water Nexus // How Governors Can Bridge Their Conservation Goals

To lower the cost and environmental impact of electricity, states will want to manage water resources with as little energy consumption as possible.…

event 12 jun. 2017

SDGs // Integrated Approaches for Sustainable Development Goals Planning: The Case of Goal 6 on Water and Sanitation

This publication highlights how the systems thinking approach applied by ESCAP complements tools created by experts as the most comprehensive method…

event 30 may. 2017

UN Freshwater Strategy 2017-2021

By UNEP. Building on its mandate and work towards helping countries develop peacefully, equitably and sustainably while protecting and restoring…

event 24 may. 2017

Policy Brief // Enhancing regional cooperation in the Middle East and North Africa through the Water-Energy-Food Security Nexus

By Rana El Hajj, Nadim Farajalla, Tessa Terpstra andv Anders Jägerskog. Water, energy and food resources in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA)…

event 04 may. 2017

MENA // Food and Water Security in the Middle East and North Africa

By NATO Parliamentary Assembly (PA), ed. by Osman Askin Bak. For many years, the Science and Technology Committee (STC) of the NATO PA has underlined…

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