event 12 mars 2014

Research & Workshop // Reminder: Entries to the 2014 Global Water Forum Emerging Scholars Award close on 22 April

In 2014 the award is linked to a workshop at the University of Oxford: "Water, Food and Energy: Understanding and Managing the Risks and Trade-offs" that will take place in June 2014.

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The author of the winning entry to the Award will be invited to participate in this exclusive 4 1/2-day intellectual retreat attended by 35 leading researchers and water practitioners. First prize will include a travel grant (return economy travel valued up to AU$ 1,500) and coverage of accommodation and venue expenses. All ten finalists will have the opportunity to have their articles published on the Global Water Forum and in a subsequent book. #forward:news/view__1484/2014-emerging-scholars-award-and-water-enregy-food-nexus-workshop

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