event 22 nov. 2023 time 01:00 location Hybrid I University of Birmingham, UK

World Sustainability Conference 2023 - Harnessing the Intersection of Food, Water, and Energy for a Sustainable Future

The Green Institute and the HeTa Food Research Centre of Excellence, University of Birmingham are pleased to announce the 2023 World Sustainability Conference, with the theme "Harnessing the Intersection of Food, Water, and Energy for a Sustainable Future.". This year's hybrid conference for World Sustainability Day will hold at University of Birmingham and virtually on a video conferencing platform.

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November 22, 2023, Hybrid I University of Birmingham, UK

For updates please check the official conference website: World Sustainability Conference 2023 — THE GREEN INSTITUTE

The Green Institute and the HeTa Food Research Centre of Excellence, University of Birmingham are pleased to announce the 2023 World Sustainability Conference, with the theme "Harnessing the Intersection of Food, Water, and Energy for a Sustainable Future." This annual event brings together experts from a variety of fields to address the complex challenges of sustainability in the 21st century.

This year's hybrid conference for World Sustainability Day will hold at University of Birmingham and virtually on a video conferencing platform.

We are currently seeking paper submissions that align with the conference theme and sub-themes. Possible topics for submission include, but are not limited to:


  • Sustainable agriculture education in schools,
  • Lifelong learning for farmers and food producers
  • Innovative approaches to food and agriculture education


  • Climate-smart agriculture practices,
  • Water conservation in food production,
  • Zero waste and circular systems in food systems


  • Gender equality in agriculture and food systems,
  • Inclusive food systems for marginalized communities,
  • Land tenure and access to resources for smallholder farmers


  • Renewable energy in food and water systems,
  • Energy-efficient food processing and distribution,
  • Decentralized energy systems for rural communities


  • Sustainable and equitable value chains in food systems,
  • Community-based economic development through food systems,
  • The economic impacts of food waste reduction


All participants - keynote speakers, panelists, presenters, and the audience have the opportunity to submit and deliver their papers on the sub-themes listed above. Why not showcase your views on sustainability before the world in this year's event?

The conference has five sessions with three keynote speakers delivering opening lecturers central to the theme. Next, each of the five sessions gets ten speakers or more to give their articles or papers.

There is a moderator who manages the speakers, presentations, and timing. Each particular session will last for two hours with a bit of break in between.


Each keynote speaker has a total of 30 minutes to deliver their article, paper, or research. Their lecture or presentation takes the first 20 minutes, while they use the remaining ten (10) minutes for a brief Question and Answer session.


The presenters get 12 minutes for their lectures - ten minutes for the presentation on their choice sub-theme and the remaining two minutes for a snappy Question and Answer session.


This year's conference will be hybrid. The conference venue is the University of Birmingham while online participants - speakers, panelists, presenters, and the audience - will receive a link for the video conference via email or text message.

Also, we will live-steam this conference in real-time - connect and join us anywhere you are via a phone or computer. If you're presenting a lecture, you need a good mic, in addition to a webcam and computer or phone. Test these gadgets before the online conference begins, so you'll be sure they are working fine.

After registering, you'll get more info about the World Sustainability Day conference. If you've got any questions or desire to know more about this online symposium, click here. Our team is ever ready to help you.

Registration Details


October 5, 2023


October 12, 2023


October 15, 2023


October 31, 2023

Abstract Submission

During the registration process, you will have the opportunity to submit a 250-word abstract in English. This abstract should include the title, theme, focus, and main contributions of your paper, article, or research.

Paper Format

All panel abstracts, paper abstracts, posters, and presentations will be available online as open access on our website.

Three types of manuscripts may be submitted:

Full–length articles: These should describe new and carefully confirmed findings, and experimental procedures should be given in sufficient detail for others to verify the work. The length of a full paper should be the minimum required to describe and interpret the work clearly.

Short Communications: A Short Communication is suitable for recording the results of complete small investigations or giving details of new models or hypotheses, innovative methods, techniques or apparatus. The style of main sections need not conform to that of full-length papers. Short communications are of 2 to 4 printed pages (about 6 to 12 manuscript pages) in length.

Reviews: Submissions of reviews and perspectives covering topics of current interest are welcome and encouraged. Reviews should be concise and no longer than 4-6 printed pages (about 12 to 18 manuscript pages). Reviews are also peer-reviewed.

Posters: Submission of posters must include data and methodology. Posters are also subject to peer-review and would made available on all our platforms before the day of the event.

Anybody willing to present or publish a presented paper must register for the conference and submit an abstract(s). Abstracts and full-length papers (in case of peer-reviewed publication) should be emailed to wsc@greeninstitute.ng with this ms-word file name format WSC1 Peterson Abstract or WSC1 Peterson Fullpaper where Peterson represents the corresponding author's surname and WSC1 stands for the conference code.


The conference is free to attend.


A verifiable ‘Certificate of Participation’ would be issued to participants who have successfully presented their papers at a discounted rate of £50.

You will have the option to make your certification payment during the registration process. Nevertheless, we recognize that some international participants may encounter challenges with online payment methods. In such cases, you have the option to make an offline payment using the following details:


Bank Name: Wise


IBAN: GB10 TRWI 2308 0128 2821 80

Wise Address: 56 Shoreditch High Street, London, E1 6JJ, United Kingdom

Publication Option

We are delighted to offer our conference participants the opportunity to publish their accepted papers in either the SustainE or MDPI Sustainability Journals. The decision process is efficient and quick, with well-organized and concise revision requests.

Please note that submitting a paper for the conference does not guarantee its acceptance for publication. However, we encourage authors to consider publishing their work in one of these esteemed journals.

For MDPI Sustainability, authors can publish their papers under the Special Issue "Food Waste and Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities." This issue is guest-edited by Dr. Taghi Miri and Dr. Helen Onyeaka, and includes topics such as food system redesign based on circular economy principles, food waste valorization, recovery, and reuse, life cycle assessment-driven minimization of food waste, and digital infrastructure and circular economy in food.

SustainE covers a wide range of multidisciplinary topics. We invite authors to consider this journal as a potential outlet for their research.

We hope that our publication options provide our conference participants with exciting opportunities to showcase their work and advance their research in the field of sustainability.

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