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Report // Water-Energy Nexus: Excerpt from the World Energy Outlook 2016
This excerpt from the World Energy Outlook 2016 looks at the critical interplay between water and energy, with an emphasis on the stress points that…
Report // Water – Energy Nexus in Europe
By Marko Adamovic, Bernard Bisselink, Matteo De Felice, Arie De Roo, Chiara Dorati, Daniele Ganora, Hrvoje Medarac, Alberto Pistocchi, Wouter Van De…
Report // Sustainable Agriculture in India 2021: What we know and how to scale up
By Niti Gupta, Shanal Pradhan, Abhishek Jain and Nayha Patel. Published in April 2021. This report explores the current state of sustainable…
Rapport // Etude de base du bassin du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruizizi
L'étude de base du bassin documente l'état actuel des ressources en eau et de l'environnement naturel du bassin tout en identifiant les forces,…
Report // Baseline Study for the Basin of Lake Kivu and the Ruzizi River
The basin baseline study documents the current state of the basin’s water resources and natural environment while also identifying current strengths,…
Report // Investing in nature for development: do nature-based interventions deliver local development outcomes
By Dilys Roe, Beth Turner, Alexandre Chausson, Emma Hemmerle and Nathalie Seddon. This project report shows how interventions that protect, manage,…
Report // Guidance on realizing real water savings with crop water productivity interventions
By Jonna van Opstal, Peter Droogers and Alexander Kaune, FutureWater, with Pasquale Steduto, and Chris Perry, Food and Agriculture Organization of…
Report // Water-Energy Nexus of Water and Wastewater Service in Lebanon
The Issam Fares Institute for Public Policy and International Affairs (IFI) and Oxfam in Lebanon published a series of reports under the “Water…
Publication // Nature-based Solutions in agriculture: The case and pathway for adoption
By F. Miralles-Wilhelm and T. Iseman. To sustain the future of food systems, producers around the globe must lead a transition to agricultural…
Publication // Renewables 2021. Global Status Report
Key findings of REN21's Renewables Global Status Report are the record addition of electricity capacity despite the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic…
Report // The African Networks of Centres of Excellence on Water Sciences Phase II
By E. Crestaz, F. Farinosi, P. Marcos Garcia, M. Biedler and C. Carmona-Moreno. The technical report by the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European…
Report // Water–Energy–Food Security–Ecosystems in Africa
By the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. This report presents the findings, conclusions and…
Report // Water–Energy–Food Security–Ecosystems in Africa. Science Behind the Debate
By the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. In the technical report 'Water–Energy–Food…
White Paper // Building with Nature: a future proof strategy for coping with a changing and uncertain world
By Amrit Cado van der Lelya, Erik van Eekelend,Dorien, Honinghb, Jakolien Leendersb, Sadie McEvoya, Ellis Penninga, Marjolein Sterkc, Ilse Voskampc,…
White Paper // Scaling Investment in Nature based Solutions along Coasts in Emerging Countries. How to finance and accelerate implementation of nature-based solutions
By Erik van Eekelen , Johan Gauderis, Sien Kok, Boudewijn Jansen , Maurice de Kok , Artur Gleijm. Building with Nature has the potential to preserve…
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