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Presentation // Nuclear Technology in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
By Phumzile Tshelane, Group CEO: South African Nuclear Energy Corporation (Necsa), held at the Discussion Forum "Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Towards…
Presentation // Water-Food-Energy Nexus - the FAO Perspective
By Lewis Hove, FAO Representative in SA: Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), held at the Discussion Forum "Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Towards…
Presentation // Water Resource Planning and Management for Water Security in South Africa
By Patrick Mlilo, Director: National Water Resource Planning; Department of Water and Sanitation, held at the Discussion Forum "Water-Energy-Food…
Presentation // Mine Impacted Water: A Resource for the Circular Economy in South African Mining Communities
By Dheepak Maharajh, Head of Biometalurgy: Mintek, held at the Discussion Forum "Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Towards Efficient National Planning" in…
Presentation // Assessing the State of the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus in South Africa
By T. Mabhaudhi, G. Simpson, J. Badenhorst, M. Mohammed, T. Motongera, A. Senzanje, GWP Jewitt, D. Naidoo, and S. Mpandeli, held at the Discussion…
Presentation // Climate Change Adaptation through the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in South Africa
By Sylvester Mpandeli, Research Manager: Water Utilisation in Agric; Water Research Commission, held at the Discussion Forum "Water-Energy-Food…
Presentation // Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Towards Efficient National Planning
By Nandha Govender, General Manager; Water & Environmental Operations: Eskom, held at the Discussion Forum "Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Towards…
Presentation // The WEF Nexus in South Africa's Water Governance (1910-2008)
By Johann Templehoff, Extraordinary Professor, South African Water History Archival, held at the Discussion Forum "Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Towards…
Slides // The Food-Energy-Water Nexus: Connecting Science and Policy
Collection of presentations from a AGU webinar that took place on 6 Sept 2018 and explored both science and policy relating to the food-energy-water…
Presentation // Nexus Message on Water-Energy-Food-Climate Through an Urban Lens
By Felix Dodds. Held at the HLPF Side event on "Addressing Resilience through the Nexus of Water-Food-Energy – Cities as SDG Laboratories", 17 July…
Documentation Kick Off Meeting // The Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative (SUGI)
Researchers and project partners from the 15 projects funded in the JPI Urban Europe and Belmont Forum joint call “Sustainable urbanization global…
Presentation // The Role and Perspective of Hydropower in Water-Energy-Food Nexus in China
By Liu Heng, International Center on Small Hydropower, GWP China Regional Technical Committee. With key figures for water supply and hydropower…
Resultados del Diálogo Regional LAC // Sesión 10: “Conclusiones y Recomendaciones”
Esta sesión de clausura resume los resultados del diálogo y formula recomendaciones para la aplicación del enfoque Nexus en la región de América…
Resultados del Diálogo Regional LAC // Sesión 9: “Nexo Agua-Energía-Alimentación: Planes y Demandas Nacionales”
¿Qué tipo de apoyo necesitan los países de América Latina y el Caribe para implementar el enfoque Nexus? ¿Qué proyectos Nexus les pueden identificar…
Resultados del Diálogo Regional LAC // Sesión 8: “Apoyo a la Agricultura”
Conozca más sobre el apoyo a la agricultura; subsidios y seguras agrícolas y sus influencias al Nexo en América Latina y el Caribe. Descargue aquí…
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