Water-resource management
Research Article // Integrated water availability modelling to assess sustainable agricultural intensification options in the Meki catchment, Central Rift Valley, Ethiopia
By Meron Teferi Taye and colleagues. The Meki catchment in the Central Rift Valley basin of Ethiopia is currently experiencing irrigation expansion…
Open Call for Applications // The South and Southeast Asia Regional Innovation Hub is proud to announce the second Call for Innovations
The South and Southeast Asia Regional Innovation Hub is proud to announce the second Call for Innovations. Companies, nonprofits with a for-profit…
Policy Brief // Working with the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus
This policy note provides a summary and perspectives of the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus for climate-resilient sustainable development.…
Call for Offers // International Specialist for transboundary water management and Project Document Preparation Specialist / Technical Advisor
GWP-Med has issued a call for offers for a technical advisor/international specialist in the framework of the regional project "Implementing the…
Research Article // Quantifying the Sustainability of Water Availability for the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystem Nexus in the Niger River Basin
By Jie Yang and colleagues. Meeting the growing demands for fresh water, food, and energy while maintaining the sustainability of eco-systems is a…
Research Article // A Societal Metabolism Approach to Effectively Analyze the Water–Energy–Food Nexus in an Agricultural Transboundary River Basin
By Alireza Taghdisian and colleagues. This study illustrated the potential of MuSIASEM in providing useful information for the multi-level governance…
Нексус в Центральной Азии // Шестое заседание Технической рабочей группы по реализации трансграничного демонстрационного проекта «Туямуюнский гидроузел»
Шестое заседание Технической рабочей группы по реализации трансграничного демонстрационного проекта «Туямуюнский гидроузел» прошло в онлайн формате…
Research Article // Watermelons in the Desert in Morocco: Struggles Around a Groundwater Commons-in-the-Making
By Lisa Bossenbroek and colleagues. Groundwater is essential for early-season agriculture in many arid regions. In such regions, however,…
Research Article // Learning from past coevolutionary processes to envision sustainable futures: Extending an action situations approach to the Water-Energy-Food nexus
By Elke Kellner and Dominic A.Martin. The proposed solution-oriented, transformative approach goes beyond existing frameworks by analysing past…
Job Vacancy // Director - Water Resources Cooperation Department
Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) is searching for a Director of its Water Resources Cooperation Department. Apply by January 24, 2022.
The Oxford Handbook of Food, Water and Society
Edited by Tony Allan, Brendan Bromwich, Anthony Colman, and Martin Keulertz. This book considers the interconnected issues of real water in the…
Research Article // Input-Output Efficiency of Water-Energy-Food and Its Driving Forces: Spatial-Temporal Heterogeneity of Yangtze River Economic Belt, China
By Min Ge, Kaili Yu, Ange Ding and Gaofeng Liu. From the perspective of improving resource utilization efficiency, this paper regarded Water Energy…
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme LAC // Nexus Dialogue: United to face water, energy and food crises.
On Tuesday, August 23, the main actors of the water sector in Peru met at the Nexus Dialogue event "Water-Energy-Food", organized by AQUAFONDO, in…
Research Article // Analysis of the water-food nexus for food security in a high Andean Community
By M-A Fiestas and colleagues. Increasing water and food demand are especially significant in mountainous regions where glaciers are melting, and…
News // World Water Day 2023: Cooperation for accelerating change in the Niger River Basin
By Niandou Mounkaila, Ousmane Seidou, Claudia Ringler and Robert Kranefeld. World Water Day 2023 has the theme “Accelerating Change” through…