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124 Peace, security & conflict
7 de 9 pages
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Cover water stress wri
event 03 juil. 2018

Water-Peace Nexus // Water Stress is Helping Drive Conflict and Migration. How Should the Global Community Respond?

By Charles Iceland. Water stress and drought are as old as civilization, and while human beings have devised many ways to guard against these…

20230209 2
event 09 févr. 2023

Research Article // Irrigation Systems Management in Nepal: Women’s Strategies in Response to Migration-Induced Challenges

By Diana Suhardiman and colleagues. This paper illustrates how the interplay between existing gender norms, male migration, remittances, and…

event 14 juin 2022

Review // Fragility Forum 2022 on the topic of Water-Climate-Conflict Nexus

The Fragility Forum of this year took place virtually, between 7th-15th March 2022, where the Frexus project partner Water, Peace and Security (WPS)…

event 22 avr. 2021

Nexus Blog // Combating climate change: an opportunity for conflict prevention in the Sahel

By Jakob Seidler. Conflicts over natural resources (water, land, energy) play a significant role in the deterioration of the security situation in…

event 13 avr. 2023

Frexus Project // UN 2023 Water Conference Side Event: Dealing with climate, water and peace: how participatory system analysis supported conflict resolution at local level. Lessons from Niger.

The 23rd of March 2023, the Government of Niger organized a side event at the UN 2023 Water Conference in New York. The event, held at the African…

Nile river basin
event 10 janv. 2022

Research Article // Water-food-energy nexus for transboundary cooperation in Eastern Africa

By Hamdy Elsayed and colleagues. This paper proposed a WEF nexus-based simulation framework to analyse cooperation opportunities as well as…

event 31 oct. 2019

Nexus Event // Conclusions of the Lake Chad Multidisciplinary Expert Meeting on Livelihoods and Water

This article presents the outcomes and conclusions of the Lake Chad Multidisciplinary Expert Meeting, which took place in February 2019 in The Hague,…

20221020 2
event 20 oct. 2022

Dialogue Régional Nexus dans le Bassin du Niger // Une évaluation de l'approche nexus à travers un projet de démonstration

Un groupement de femmes vivant à Kollo un village situé à quelque km de Niamey a été identifié pour la mise en œuvre d’un projet démonstratif Nexus…

Nikolaidis et al 2025
event 03 févr. 2025

Research article // An integrated participatory framework for WEFE nexus strategic planning: The Jordan Valley case study

By Nikolaos P. Nikolaidis and colleagues. The Jordan Valley (JV) is a critical region where the interplay of water, energy, food, and ecosystem…

RBO session cover picture
event 01 déc. 2021

Nexus Blog // Overview of the COP26 session: Water, climate, and borders: The role of River Basin Cooperation for Climate Resilience

In the first ever Water Pavilion at the Climate Conference COP26 on November 12, 2021, the GIZ alongside UNECE Secretariat of the Water Convention,…

Rob bye 103193 unsplash
event 03 juil. 2018

Water-Peace Nexus // The Water, Peace and Security Initiative (WPSI)

The Water, Peace and Security Initiative (WPSI) is pioneering the development of innovative information tools and practical approaches that can…

20230221 2
event 21 févr. 2023

Research Article // Watermelons in the Desert in Morocco: Struggles Around a Groundwater Commons-in-the-Making

By Lisa Bossenbroek and colleagues. Groundwater is essential for early-season agriculture in many arid regions. In such regions, however,…

event 13 juin 2022

Report // The nature of conflict and peace: The links between environment, security and peace and their importance for the United Nations

By Rüttinger, Lukas; Raquel Munayer, Pia van Ackern, and Florian Titz. This new report by WWF and adelphi looks at how climate-security can be…

SIWI Invite Improving security and climate resilience with participatory processes
event 30 août 2022

Frexus at Stockholm WWW 2022 // Improving security and climate resilience with participatory processes

This year’s Stockholm World Water Week is centred around the topic of “Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water”. The Frexus session explored how local…

IMG 20230502 WA0076
event 25 mai 2023

Projet Frexus // Nettoyage du canal d'amenée d'eau de la mare de Koboro dans la commune de Soboundou

Le projet Frexus, en partenariat avec l'ONG ODI-Sahel, entreprend actuellement un projet de dragage du canal près du point d'eau de Koboro afin…

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