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124 Peace, security & conflict
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event 05 juil. 2021

Webinar // FAO Water Tenure Monday: The interface between customary and statutory water rights

The Water Tenure Mondays webinar series creates a forum for building a stronger water tenure concept and pursues FAO’s efforts in broadening the…

Fernanda fierro XV4 XUU7g Wlk unsplash
event 17 févr. 2021

Webinar // What's Next for Environmental Peacebuilding?

This event explores lessons and opportunities from conflict-affected states. Featuring academics writing for International Affairs on environmental…

Https cdn evbuc com images 117281717 64142906189 1 original
event 02 déc. 2020

Webinar // Water-Energy-Food Nexus Part 2: International Security, Resource Stress, and Conflict

The Energy and Environmental Programs Speaker Series, GIS After Dark, and the Center for Advanced Governmental Studies are pleased to invite you to…

event 18 oct. 2020 22 oct. 2020 location Cairo / Online

Conference // Cairo Water Week 2020

For the 3rd time the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation of the Arab Republic of Egypt is organizing the Cairo Water Week. This year's event…

Berlin Conference Security
event 07 sept. 2020 02 oct. 2020 location Online Event

Conference // Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2020 - Part II

The second part of the Berlin Climate and Security Conference 2020 will take place virtually from September 7th - October 2nd 2020.

event 12 nov. 2019 14 nov. 2019

Conférence // Prévention et gestion des conflits liés à la gouvernance des ressources naturelles en Afrique de l’Ouest: défis et perspectives

Le Service civil pour la paix et le projet Frexus, tous deux mis en œuvre par la GIZ, organisent une conférence internationale sur le thème : «…

event 12 nov. 2019 14 nov. 2019

Conference // Prevention and Management of Conflicts linked to the Governance of Natural Resources in West Africa: Opportunities and Challenges

The Civil Peace Service and the Frexus project, both implemented by the GIZ, are organizing an international conference on the theme: “Prevention and…

Logo stockholm world water week 2018
event 28 août 2018

SWWW 2018 Session // Creating Peace through the Water-Energy-Food and Security Nexus Perspective

In many regions, dwindling water and land resources endanger the livelihoods of the population. Often, poor land and water governance and management…

Logo stockholm world water week 2018
event 27 août 2018

SWWW 2018 Session // Water and Security: Assessing Risks and Mitigation Options in Hotspots

Since ancient times, water has played a key role in security and conflict. This role is expected to increase, as pressures over water are growing due…

Img 2018 8024 img 2017 8024 org river impressions6 christinakarliczek
event 27 août 2018

SWWW 2018 Session // Hype or Groundbreaking: Has Securing Water for Food Delivered?

Securing Water For Food (SWFF) celebrates its 5th year anniversary since launching at the 2013 World Water Week. The program’s aim is to identify and…

event 12 mai 2022

Le projet Frexus // Une réponse aux conflits liés aux ressources dans la région du Sahel

Cet article souligne l'ambition du projet Frexus d'améliorer la sécurité et la résilience climatique dans la région du Sahel grâce à l'utilisation…

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event 09 sept. 2020

Nexus Blog // Experts’ Panel on Water, Food and Energy Nexus as a Resource for Peace

The Week on Water for Development 2020 set the stage for manifold discussions. During the virtual session of “Water, Food and Energy Nexus as…

Lecciones de Chile para la adopción del enfoque del Nexo análisis de políticas de fomento de tecnologías de riego gestión integrada de cuencas fondos de agua y energía sostenible
event 07 sept. 2022

Publicación // Lecciones de Chile para la adopción del enfoque del Nexo: análisis de políticas de fomento de tecnologías de riego, gestión integrada de cuencas, fondos de agua y energía sostenible

By Blanco Elisa. La adopción del enfoque del Nexo entre agua, energía y alimentación, se plantea como una estrategia sólida para apoyar la gobernanza…

event 31 mai 2023

Frexus Project // Awareness rising campaign for preventing natural resources related conflicts: Collective breaking of Ramadan fasting and de-escalating conflicts

In collaboration with local NGOs, the Frexus project organised collective Ramadan Iftar events and an awareness campaign to prevent natural resource…

SWWW session sharepic FREXUS Article NRP
event 24 sept. 2021

Nexus Blog // De la prévision à la prévention : Agir sur les risques de conflits liés aux ressources à la Semaine Mondiale de l'Eau 2021

Le 26 août 2021, le projet Frexus de la GIZ, en collaboration avec le gouvernement des Pays-Bas, l'IHE Delft Institute for Water Education et le…

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