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68 Hydropower
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6452854db2dc3 Bloc 1
event 25 sept. 2023 29 sept. 2023 location Dakar (Senegal).

Global FRIEND Water 2023 International Conference // Addressing unsolved problems in hydrology for a water secure world in a changing environment

Every four years, a world conference is held to bring together all the scientists involved to discuss the challenges of research on water issues. The…

20221219 1
event 14 mars 2023 16 mars 2023 location Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Conference // ASIA 2023 - Water Resources and Renewable Energy Development

The Aqua~Media International team, with the support of the Malaysian Government, the Malaysian Committee on Large Dams, and the State Power…

IMG 0794
event 24 mai 2022

Dresden Nexus Conference 2022 // Enhancing Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus across rivers of lake Kivu basin.

DNC2022 Event. Jean Paul Kubwimana will be speaking on behalf of the Albertine Rift Conservation Society (ARCOS) about the project promoting climate…

event 17 mai 2022 19 mai 2022 location Kigali Convention Centre, Rwanda

Sustainable Energy for All Forum // Session on Leveraging the Sahel’s Water-Energy-Food Nexus

The 2022 SEforALL Forum is the landmark global gathering bringing people together serving as a platform for exchange towards realizing SDG7 and a…

event 21 avr. 2022

Webinar // 2nd Journal of Ecohydraulics Webinar on Environmental Flows and Water-Food-Energy-Ecology Nexus

The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research is hosting the Journal of Ecohydraulics Webinar on Environmental Flows…

Nexus seminar series 17 jan
event 17 janv. 2022

Online Seminar // The Nexus and International Relations: The Case of Hydropower Projects and the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

UNU-FLORES, in collaboration with PRISMA – Centre for Sustainability Assessment and Policy on behalf of TU Dresden, presents the 58th seminar in the…

Solar hydro 2021
event 07 juil. 2021 08 juil. 2021

Online Conference // International Conference and Exhibition on Floating solar PV on dam reservoirs and solar-hydro hybridization

This online International Conference and Exhibition, organized by Aqua~Media International with ICOLD’s Technical Committee on Emerging Challenges &…

7 04 2021
event 07 avr. 2021

Webinar // Finding the right dam(n) partners for a just energy transition

Organised by Fondazione CMCC – Centro Euro‐Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, this webinar will discuss the landscape of project financing for…

Sharon moy vmg SO Zj Bp Dw unsplash
event 03 nov. 2020 location Online

Online Seminar // FutureDAMS: River basins and energy systems – what synergies are possible, and how can they be discovered?

Within their webinar series "New approaches and tools for water-energy-food-environment security", FutureDAMS hosts a webinar on the topic "River…

Ihe delft
event 24 févr. 2020

Nexus Workshop // IHE Delft Sustainable Hydropower Workshop 2020

IHE Delft is organizing an exciting workshop asking the question: Can hydropower be sustainable? It will take place on the 28th and 29th of April…

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event 01 sept. 2019 06 sept. 2019

Special Session at 38th IAHR World Congress // Sustainable Water Storage to Meet Water, Food, and Energy Development Goals

Storage to stabilize water availability is essential to sustain water, food and energy production, reduce hazards, and adapt to climate change.…

Gonz ddl 804125 unsplash
event 07 avr. 2019 12 avr. 2019

Session at EGU General Assembly 2019 // Sustainable Water Storage for Food and Energy Production

Superficial water storage is essential to sustain and stabilize water supply, food and energy production, reduce hydro-climatological hazards, and…

Gonz ddl 804125 unsplash
event 07 avr. 2019 12 avr. 2019

Session at EGU General Assembly 2019 // Hydropower and Other Renewable Energy Sources: Integration and Planning amid the Water-Energy Nexus

The transition to a low-carbon economy and programs of nuclear power phase-out will require the development of innovative methods to integrate…

Logo africa2019 hydropower and water storage
event 02 avr. 2019 04 avr. 2019

Conference // Water Storage and Hydropower Development for Africa

The connection of energy and water is most obvious in electricity generation through hydropower. Plus dams have an important impact on the…

20221028 3
event 28 oct. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // European Union supports water reservoir sedimentation treatment efforts in Central Asia

In October, the 6th meeting of the Technical Working Group (TWG) between Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan was held online to take stock of the progress in…

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