Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Nexus Newsletter, Issue N° 18, September 2023
The Nexus Newsletter is filled with project updates including activities, milestones and achievements as well as the latest news on the WEF Nexus,…
Dialogue Nexus Bassin du Niger et Projet Frexus // Un atelier régional de trois jours à Niamey, Niger
Une conférence régionale sur le bassin du Niger a commencé, se tenant à Niamey, au Niger. La conférence de trois jours couvre la clôture du Programme…
Nexus Dialogue in the Niger Basin and Frexus Project // A three-day regional workshop in Niamey, Niger
A regional conference on the Niger Basin has begun, taking place in Niamey, Niger. The three-day conference covers the closing of the Nexus Regional…
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Nexus Newsletter, Issue N° 17, June 2023
The Nexus Newsletter is filled with project updates including activities, milestones and achievements as well as the latest news on the WEF Nexus,…
Projet Frexus // Campagne de sensibilisation à la prévention des conflits liés aux ressources naturelles : Rupture collective du jeûne du Ramadan et désescalade des conflits
En collaboration avec des ONG locales, le projet Frexus a organisé des événements collectifs d'Iftar du Ramadan et une campagne de sensibilisation…
Frexus Project // Awareness rising campaign for preventing natural resources related conflicts: Collective breaking of Ramadan fasting and de-escalating conflicts
In collaboration with local NGOs, the Frexus project organised collective Ramadan Iftar events and an awareness campaign to prevent natural resource…
Projet Frexus // Nettoyage du canal d'amenée d'eau de la mare de Koboro dans la commune de Soboundou
Le projet Frexus, en partenariat avec l'ONG ODI-Sahel, entreprend actuellement un projet de dragage du canal près du point d'eau de Koboro afin…
Frexus Project // Cleaning of the water supply canal of the Koboro pond in the commune of Soboundou
The Frexus project, in partnership with NGO ODI-Sahel, is currently undertaking a canal dredging project near the Koboro waterhole to enhance…
Frexus Project // UN 2023 Water Conference Side Event: Dealing with climate, water and peace: how participatory system analysis supported conflict resolution at local level. Lessons from Niger.
The 23rd of March 2023, the Government of Niger organized a side event at the UN 2023 Water Conference in New York. The event, held at the African…
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Nexus Newsletter, Issue N° 16, March 2023
The Nexus Newsletter is filled with project updates including activities, milestones and achievements as well as the latest news on the WEF Nexus,…
Frexus Project // Natural resources related conflicts: Regional River Basin Organizations working towards sustainable solutions
From June 2021 to February 2023, the Frexus project has been facilitating a series of three technical workshop between the two Regional Bassin…
Frexus Project // 9th World Water Forum in Diamniadio, Dakar 2022
The 9th World Water Forum, which was based on the theme "Water Security for Peace and Development", took place in Diamniadio, Dakar. The Frexus…
Projet Frexus // 9e Forum Mondial de L'eau à Diamniadio, Dakar 2022
Le 9ème Forum Mondial de l’eau, qui s’est basé sur le thème « La sécurité de l'eau pour la paix et le développement », a pris place à Diamniadio,…
Frexus project // Reception ceremony for reforestation work in Tomi, Mali
The National Agency of the Great Green Wall of Mali has requested funding from the Frexus project in order to strengthen its technical and financial…
Projet Frexus // Cérémonie de réception des travaux de reboisement à Tomi au Mali
L’Agence Nationale de la Grande Muraille verte du Mali a sollicité un financement auprès du projet Frexus afin de renforcer ses capacités techniques…
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