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La Plateforme de Ressources Nexus est soumise à un développement stratégique et technique continu.
Nexus Blog // Outcomes of the third Nexus Latin America Virtual Forum
How can the Nexus perspective help to find synergies between the water, agriculture and energy sector and mititage potential risks for a sustainable…
Nexus Virtual Forum // Solar Powered Irrigation Systems: Opportunities and Challenges
The event revealed how the WEF Nexus approach sheds light on the challenges and opportunities for a sustainable usage of SPIS and how it can help to…
Estudio SPIS // Transversalización del Enfoque Nexo en el Contexto del Bombeo Solar para riego
El enfoque Nexo ofrece un diálogo regional y nacional sobre políticas públicas para la gestión de las interconexiones entre agua, energía y…
Nexus Conference Bolivia // El Foro Nexus Rumbo al 2025
On October 1st 2019, the “Foro Nexo Rumbo al 2025” takes place at the Catholic University of Bolivia “San Pablo” in La Paz, Bolivia. The focus of the…
Nexus Publicación // Manual de Capacitación Equipo Móvil de Bombeo Solar
Desarrollar y fortalecer capacidades de asesoramiento técnico y formulación de proyectos de agua, energía solar y producción de alimentos, en…
Blog // What can Transdisciplinarity give back to Communities?
This article presents a research project conducted by the STEPS Centre, using the WEFE Nexus as a conceptual tool for transdisciplinary engagement…
Nexus Modelling // Involving the Water–Energy–Food Nexus in Integrating Low-Income and Isolated Communities
By Brenda Cansino-Loeza and José María Ponce-Ortega. This work presents a general mathematical programming model for satisfying water, energy, and…
Nexus Country Profile // Peru
Peru is located from 0°S to 18°S in western South America; it borders Ecuador and Colombia to the north, Brazil to the east, Bolivia to the…
Measuring the Water-Energy-Food Nexus // The Case of Latin America and the Caribbean Region
This paper presents an actual overview of the current state of the water-energy-food (WEF) nexus in Latin American and The Caribbean countries. The…
Issue N° 49// Network for Cooperation in Integrated Water Resource Management for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean
Issue N° 49 of the Network for Cooperation in Integrated Water Resources Management for Sustainable Development in Latin America and the Caribbean,…
Case Study Peru // Planning locally, impacting globally – How Water and Wastewater Utilities in Peru are Facing Climate Change
This case is part of a case study series, where the Water-Energy-Climate Nexus supports the transition towards a more sustainable and low-carbon…
Case Study Mexico // How Guanajuato’s Water and Wastewater Utilities are tackling Climate Change through Efficiency Optimization and Renewable Energy Production
This case is part of a case study series, where the Water-Energy-Climate Nexus supports the transition towards a more sustainable and low-carbon…
Agua, Producción de Alimentos y Energía // La Experiencia del Nexo en Chile
Por Humberto Peña. El presente estudio analiza este Nexo en el caso de Chile. Con ese propósito, se revisa la evolución de las políticas públicas y…
Carta Circular N° 49 // Red de Cooperación en la Gestión Integral de Recursos Hídricos para el Desarrollo Sustentable en América Latina y el Caribe
La Carta Circular con N° 49 del Red de Cooperación en la Gestión Integral de Recursos Hídricos para el Desarrollo Sustentable en América Latina y el…
Nexus in Mexico // Involving the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Integrating Low-Income and Isolated Communities
By Brenda Cansino-Loeza and José María Ponce-Ortega. This work presents a general mathematical programming model for satisfying water, energy and…
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