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Video // Kidanemariam Jembere on the process behind the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approach
Technical Advisor Kidanemariam Jembere describes the work process behind the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Approach that GWP Southern Africa is…
Video // Phera Ramoeli on the SADC Collaboration with GWP Southern Africa on the Water-Eneryg-Food Nexus
Phera Ramoeli is Senior Programme Officer in charge of transboundary water management and Head of the Water Division of the Southern Africa…
Video // The Energy-Water Nexus: Balancing Electricity Needs and Environmental Concerns
Video of Keynote Address: Linda Church Ciocci, Executive Director, National Hydropower Association. The 17th Annual NCAC Washington Energy Policy…
Video Lecture // The "perfect storm revisited": food, energy and water security in the context of climate change
Some five years ago Sir John Beddington, Senior Adviser at the Oxford Martin School, raised the concept of "The Perfect Storm" in which the issues of…
Water-Energy Nexus // The fight for water in Kenya
Report by Deutsche Welle. Hydropower plants are causing parts of Kenya's Tana River to dry up. Scientists are trying to ensure there's enough water…
Water-Energy-Food Nexus Interview // David Norman, SAB Miller
Interview with David Norman, Senior Manager for Sustainable Development Management, in the context of the IIEA Nexus seminar: "Understanding the…
Water-Energy-Food Nexus Interview // Karl Falkenberg, European Commission
Interview with Karl Falkenberg, Director General at the DG Environment at the European Commission, in the context of the IIEA Nexus seminar:…
Water-Energy-Food Nexus Interview // Prof. Alan Matthews, Trinity College Dublin
Interview with Alan Matthews, professor em. for agricultural economics at Trinity College Dublin , in the context of the IIEA Nexus seminar:…
Video // "Human Water Cycle: Water, Food, & Energy"
Our increasing need for the three vital resources water, food and energy is forcing us to rethink how we manage and use our water supply. The…
Interview // Rabi Mohtar on the Nexus of Water, Energy and Food
Dr. Rabi Mohtar, a TEES Endowed Professor at Texas A&M University, College Station, and leader of the water, energy, and food nexus research group,…
Video // Water-food Nexus: Tackling Water Scarcity in the Context of Sustainable Development - Technical Briefing
The technical briefing will discuss how countries can address the dilemma of food production under limited water availability. Dr. Pasquale Steduto,…
Session Input // “Managing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus” at the Regional Dialogue on Extractive Industry Governance and Infrastructure, ECLAC, Santiago, Chile
Key input by Francisco J. Meza, Director Centro de Cambio Global, Universidad Católica de Chile, audio recording and presentation.
Video // Thirst for Power – Managing Two of the World's Most Critical Resources
By Michael Webber. How can we change the way we think about water and energy to secure long-term sustainability of both previous resources?
Video // Solar Water Pumping
By the World Bank. Many communities around the world have limited access to water. To reach deep groundwater reserves, diesel generated electricity…
Session Video // "Energy, water and food must be looked at holistically, not in isolation"
A recording of a session on the energy-water-food nexus at the 23rd World Energy Congress 2016 in Istanbul
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