Nexus Regional Dialogue MENA // Launching the Nexus Farms Initiative in Egypt – How to secure food supply and rural livelihoods in the context of climate change
Thursday, the 16th of June 2022 marked the beginning of the Nexus Farm Initiative, which is implemented by our partners at Gebal Egypt and Dendara Development Center in Upper Egypt. The project aims to promote Nexus-based farming practices in Egypt and help generate an enabling environment (business, policy, and financial) for a large-scale uptake of successful Nexus farming models. The launching event was organised in a policy dialogue format.
Thursday, the 16th of June 2022 marked the beginning of the Nexus Farm Initiative, which is implemented by our partners at Gebal Egypt and Dendara Development Center in Upper Egypt. The project aims to promote Nexus-based farming practices in Egypt and help generate an enabling environment (business, policy, and financial) for a large-scale uptake of successful Nexus farming models. In this context, the launching event organised in a policy dialogue format raised the important questions:
- How can Egyptian farmers raise their agricultural outputs in order to enhance food security in under climate change conditions and while using less water and energy?
- How can a Nexus approach help design new and innovative solutions?
The Kick-Off Dialogue took place from 9:30 am to 2 pm at South Valley University in Qena. The day started with a tour of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Greenhouse in the vicinity. The greenhouse is a Nexus farming model which was established by GEBAL and Schneider Electric in 2021 and has been managed and operated by the Dandara Development Center since then. Subsequent discussions saw representatives from local authorities from the water, energy and agricultural sectors, governmental extension officers, local banks and local farmers address existing barriers and possible policies and financial opportunities to facilitate access to innovative and integrated technologies such as the one presented by the Nexus greenhouse system.

The 8-month long project will bring together multiple stakeholders in four strategic project locations: Dandara and Esna in Upper Egypt, El Heiz Oasis in the Western Desert, and Cairo. Beyond research, awareness-raising and training, the project will help generate comprehensive business models for Nexus farming, create strategic networks and partnerships, and recommend innovative and tailored solutions for implementing more sustainable and climate-smart farming systems by small and medium farmers in Egypt.
The Nexus Regional Dialogue in the MENA region is looking forward to accompanying Gebal Egypt and Dendara Development Center on this important journey!
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