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event 25 sept. 2014

Communiqué // GWI EA National Stakeholders' Meeting Communiqué

In August 2014, CARE International in Uganda and the Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC), under the Global Water Initiative East Africa (GWI EA),…

event 28 ago. 2014

Statement // Sustainable Energy for All, High Level Ministerial Dialogue

H.E. Karel J.G. van Oosterom, Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the United Nations during the Sustainable Energy for All…

event 20 ago. 2014

Strategic Analysis Paper // Death on the Nile: Egypt's Burgeoning Food and Water Security Crisis

The fertility of the Nile allowed the ancient Egyptians to build a great agricultural civilisation. Now, Egypt faces rising food insecurity and is on…

event 06 may. 2014

Policy Brief // A Safe Space for Humanity: The Nexus of Food, Water, Energy, and Climate

By Peter Rogers and Samuel Daines. The 20th Century saw major human triggered transitions that cumulatively are threatening the safety of the habitat…

event 09 abr. 2014

Policy Brief // SEI Research Synthesis: The Water-Energy-Food Nexus

SEI has done a lot of work focused on the water-energy- food nexus, a topic that is deeply relevant to sustainable development planning and policy.…

event 07 abr. 2014

Policy Brief // Policy Brief 4: Water and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding

This is the fourth in a series of policy briefs on post-conflict peacebuilding and natural resource management; it draws upon findings from Water and…

event 03 mar. 2014

Policy Brief // Cross-sectoral integration in the Sustainable Development Goals: a nexus approach

This brief proposes ways to use the water-energy-food nexus framework to facilitate cross-sectoral integration in the Sustainable Development Goals…

event 10 sept. 2013

Policy Brief // thirsty energy: Will Water Constrain Our Energy Future?

The world's water and energy systems are inextricably linked. Significant amounts of water are needed in almost all energy generation processes, from…

event 16 may. 2013

Report // The Global Resource Nexus: The Struggles for Land, Energy, Food, Water, and Minerals

by Geoffrey Kemp, Corey Johnson, Stacy D. VanDeveer, Philip Andrews-Speed, Tim Boersma, Raimund Bleischwitz. Unless the transatlantic community takes…

event 14 nov. 2012

Policy Paper // Biofuels - Opportunities and risks for developing countries

The Strategy Paper of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

event 26 oct. 2012

Policy Brief // Concretizing vagueness: new momentum for development through sustainable development goals?

One possible new impetus for development is the idea of so-called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which has emerged in the run-up to the Rio+20…

event 25 oct. 2012

Policy Paper // The Green Economy - The New Magic Bullet?

In June 2012, heads of state will gather at the Rio+20 conference in Brazil to explore the theme "The Future We Want." The focus of the…

event 17 oct. 2012

Policy Brief // The Oil Palm Sector: Community Grievances and Water Governance in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia

This policy brief examines local impacts of oil palm cultivation in Indonesia, drawing on a participatory action research pilot study in one of the…

event 17 sept. 2012

Strategic Analysis Paper // The Food, Energy and Water Nexus (FEW) and Gross National Happiness in Bhutan

The complex interplay of food, energy, and water demand and supply poses numerous policy challenges, especially in the context of expanding…

event 16 jul. 2012

Messages for Rio // New Drivers for Sustainable Urban Development - Key Messages on Green Urban Economy from Bonn to Rio

Three focal areas need to be addressed for a transition to a Green Urban Economy, which promotes environmental well-being and improved quality of…

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