Project Information // Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme Central Asia: Phase II
The objective of Phase II of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme in Central Asia is to create an enabling environment to facilitate sustainable investments for increased water, energy, food security and ecosystems in Central Asia. This is intended to be achieved through the implementation of pilot projects.
The Project will deliver the following:
- Regional multi-sectoral Nexus dialogue is strengthened with support of the Regional Steering Committee and Technical Working Group established for the transboundary demonstration project;
- One transboundary and three small-scale demonstration projects are implemented to serve as pilot sites to prepare:
- institutional and socio-economic assessments for all demonstration projects;
- simulation analysis (cost-benefit or trade off) for two demonstration projects;
- technical solutions for three demonstration projects.
- Investment-ready proposals for two demonstration projects are developed and submitted to potential investors;
- Analytical and planning tools relevant for supporting Nexus based decisions are tested in Central Asia;
- Capacity of the WEF line ministries and national experts on the application of the Nexus tools for designing investment projects enhanced;
- The vision to institutionalize the Nexus approach in national and regional governance structures and investment decisions is improved.