event 21 oct. 2011

Interview // The Nexus between Civil Society and Resource Security

A video interview with Elizabeth Thompson, Executive Coordinator for Rio+20

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Ms. Elizabeth Thompson, Executive Coordinator for Rio+20 sat down with Stakeholder Forum's Jeannet Lingan to explain the importance of a multi-sectoral approach to sustainable development. In order to preserve and protect natural resources for current and future generations, civil society needs to take a nexus approach in addressing food, water and energy security. Leading up to the Bonn Conference, Ms. Thompson emphasises the role of NGOs, businesses and academics in ushering in a global green economy. #include:video:jwplayer:video/wef_thompson.flv


In the classroom, sustainable development needs to be incorporated into the curriculum. It is important that no student leave university "without understanding the implications of sustainable development to their particular discipline."


"It is not possible to catalyze a global green economy without the involvement of the private sector". To reduce environmental degradation, social responsibility needs to be incorporated into the corporate modus.


"They are trusted by the man in the street in a way that governments are not." As a result they have an important role to play in disseminating information and encouraging individual responsibility.

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