event 20 sept. 2011

Bonn2011 Nexus Conference in the media // "How Energy Drains Water Supplies"

An article in the New York Times looks at water needs of power plants in the US and refers to the nexus approach of the Bonn2011 Nexus Conference

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As a result of the fact that now more than 50 percent of the water withdrawn from rivers and lakes in the United States goes toward energy production, the New York Times states in a recently published article a changing awareness on water constraints in regards to energy production. Moreover, it stresses a trend towards cooling systems in power plants in which water-saving recycling technologies are applied. The article concludes that the Bonn2011 Nexus Conference "will look at the energy-water nexus and at how food, which requires large amounts of both, fits into the picture." Read the full article on the website of the New York Times: {http://www.nytimes.com/2011/09/19/business/global/19iht-green19.html?_r=2|www.nytimes.com}

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