event 23 mar. 2020 time 13:59

E-Learning Course // RE-Thinking Access to Energy Business Models: Ways to Walk the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Talk

Learn more about the Water, Food, and Energy (WEF) Nexus! This series of online webinar training courses offered by UNEP in collaboration with RES4Africa will focus on on the contribution of renewable energy towards the implementation of the WEF Nexus.


The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Africa Office Energy Unit and the Ecosystem Division (Global Programme of Action for the Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-Based Activities) in collaboration with the Renewable Energy Solutions for Africa (RES4Africa) are joining forces to organize a series of online webinar trainings on the WEF Nexus.

The first training will mainly focus on the contribution of renewable energy towards the implementation of the Water, Food, and Energy (WEF) Nexus. You are invited to participate in this first online webinar training whose emphasis will be given to re-thinking the access to energy business models through WEF Nexus approaches and cross-sectorial partnerships, paving the way for Africa’s long-term sustainable economic growth.

Further, a brief presentation on “Water-Energy-Nexus” with a focus on the contribution of wastewater to this nexus will be delivered. This could serve as a path for providing an introduction to the second webinar that will be focusing mainly on the contribution of water towards the implementation of WEF Nexus.


  • Roberto Vigotti (Secretary-General of RES4Africa Foundation)
  • Marco Aresti (Access2Energy Programme Manager at RES4Africa Foundation)
  • Luca Traini (Senior Business Development and Partnership Officer at RES4Africa Foundation)
  • Birguy Lamizana (Programme Management Officer for wastewater management at UNEP)

Who can participate?

Everybody who is interested!

First Training Date

Thursday, Mar 26, 2020 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM CET

Registration and Access

UNEP/RES4Africa: RE-Thinking Access to Energy Business Models: Ways to Walk the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Talk

Further Information and contact

Concept Note of the WEf Nexus Talk

Contacts are: and Birguy Lamizana

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