Publication // What-If: An Open-Source Decision Support Tool for Water Infrastructure Investment Planning within the Water–Energy–Food–Climate Nexus
By Raphaël Payet-Burin, Mikkel Kromann, Silvio Pereira-Cardenal, Kenneth Marc Strzepek and Peter Bauer-Gottwein. This paper presents a new…
Research Article // Review of Publications on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus and Climate Change Adaptation Using Bibliometric Analysis: A Case Study of Africa
By Omolola M. Adeola and colleagues. This study concentrated on reviewing progress made in understanding the relationship between the…
Research Article // Growing Spatial Overlap Between Dam-Related Flooding, Cropland and Domestic Water Points: A Water–Energy–Food Nexus Management Challenge in Malawi and Ghana
By Chengxiu Li, Weiyu Yu, Mawuli Dzodzomenyo, Moses Asamoah, Catherine Tlotlo Kerapetse, Matt Kandel, and Jim Wright. This study synthesised…
Hydropower // The Water-Energy Nexus in Chile: A Description of the Regulatory Framework for Hydroelectricity
This article offers a general description of hydropower regulations in Chile wherein two sectors that are regulated separately come to meet each…
Publication // A hydro-economic methodology for the food-energy-water nexus
By Justin S. Baker, George Van Houtven, Yongxia Cai, Fekadu Moreda, Chris Wade, Candise Henry, Jennifer Hoponick Redmon, A. J. Kondash. Growing…
Нексус в Центральной Азии // Шестое заседание Технической рабочей группы по реализации трансграничного демонстрационного проекта «Туямуюнский гидроузел»
Шестое заседание Технической рабочей группы по реализации трансграничного демонстрационного проекта «Туямуюнский гидроузел» прошло в онлайн формате…
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Insights from the webinar: Governing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: A policy-science dialogue!
The Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme (NRD) had the pleasure to host a webinar, bringing together experts on conducting research on WEF Nexus…
Transboundary Basin // Water-Energy-Food Nexus Sustainability in the Upper Blue Nile (UBN) Basin
By Mariam M. Allam and Elfatih A. B. Eltahir. This paper presents a framework for optimal allocation of a river basin's land and water resources…
Research Article // Overcoming Resource Nexus Conflicts With a Normative-Institutional Approach: A Case Study of Brazil
By Priscila Carvalho and Catalina Spataru. This study proposes a normative-institutional approach to assess the Water-Energy Nexus that offers a…
Research Article // Quantifying the Sustainability of Water Availability for the Water-Food-Energy-Ecosystem Nexus in the Niger River Basin
By Jie Yang and colleagues. Meeting the growing demands for fresh water, food, and energy while maintaining the sustainability of eco-systems is a…
Partnership to Promote Water and Energy Sustainability // Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions
The Sustainable Water and Energy Solutions is a partnership by the United Nation's Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) and the…
Research Article // Water-energy-food nexus in the Yarlung Tsangpo-Brahmaputra River Basin: Impact of mainstream hydropower development
By Haoyang Lyu and colleagues. From the perspective of Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus, this study analyzed the possible trade-offs and synergies among…
Working Paper // Guidelines for community-led multiple use water services: evidence from rural South Africa.
These generic guidelines derived from the lived experience of the project show how a community-led approach implements step-wise planning, design and…
Tool // Climate, Land (Food), Energy and Water Systems Approach (CLEWs)
The Climate, Land (Food), Energy and Water systems approach (CLEWs) focuses on assessing interlinkages between resource systems in order to…
Report // Include the fossil-free transition in the next Water Action Agenda
By Karina Barquet and colleagues. This report examines the need for the leaders to account climate, ecosystem, social benefits and trade-offs. These…