Webinar // Water-Energy-Food Nexus Speaker Series Part 5: Current and Future Battery Technologies: The Role of Energy Storage in a Sustainable Society
The Energy and Environmental Programs Speaker Series from Johns Hopkins University is pleased to announce the fifth part of this series, where we…
Webinar // VEF Virtual Series Accelerating Energy Transition: Food Systems Track 'Investment and partnership needs'
The Vienna Energy Forum Virtual Series has the theme "Accelerating Energy Transition" for its 2021 edition. The Food Systems Track is one of three…
Webinar // Finding the right dam(n) partners for a just energy transition
Organised by Fondazione CMCC – Centro Euro‐Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici, this webinar will discuss the landscape of project financing for…
Webinar // Integration of Environmental, Social and Governance Considerations in PV projects: Going the Extra Mile
This webinar is organised by SolarPower Europe. Carbon Intelligence, in partnership with Solarcentury, will discuss the launch of the report “Solar:…
Webinar // SoLAR Webinar Series: The potential of Solar irrigation for Pakistan: a critical inquiry
In Webinar 5 of the SoLAR webinar series, organised by the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) and Swiss Agency for Development and…
Webinar // SoLAR Webinar Series: Appropriate Institutional Modalities for Grid-Connected Solar Irrigation Pumps in Nepal
The Nepal Electricity Authority, the Alternative Energy Promotion Center (AEPC), SDC and IWMI will jointly organise Webinar 4, where experts will…
Webinar // VEF Virtual Series Accelerating Energy Transition: 'Agro-Industry'
The Vienna Energy Forum Virtual Series has the theme "Accelerating Energy Transition" for its 2021 edition. The Food Systems Track is one of three…
Webinar // SoLAR Webinar Series: Solar irrigation in Bangladesh: Current situation and future prospects
In Webinar 3, jointly organised by the Infrastructure Development Corporation (IDCOL), SDC and IWMI, experts will look at the future of SIPs in…
Webinar // SoLAR Webinar Series: Solarization of Indian Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects
Webinar 2 is jointly organised by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, IWMI and GIZ. In this session, experts will look at the…
Webinar // SoLAR Webinar Series: Role of solar irrigation pumps (SIPs) in clean energy transition in South Asia
In Webinar 1, International Water Management Institute (IWMI)-led SOLAR project will set the scene to understand the larger systemic challenges on…
Online Event // Foro Virtual Nexo °7 - Oportunidades en la integración de la biodiversidad en el enfoque Nexo desde dos perspectivas en ALC: soluciones basadas en la naturaleza y fragmentación de los ríos para embalses
El tema principal del foro virtual nexo #7 cubre las soluciones basadas en la naturaleza y el impacto de las presas en los ecosistemas fluviales de…
Online Event // Nexus Virtual Forum °7 Integration of biodiversity to the NEXUS (WEF) approach from two perspectives in LAC: Nature-based solutions and fragmentation of rivers for reservoirs
The main theme of the Nexus Virtual Forum °7 is addressing nature-based solutions and the impact of dams on river ecosystems in Latin America and the…
Webinar // Agricultural residues as key ingredient for a bioenergy future – Latest technological developments
World Bioenergy Association is pleased to invite everyone to an upcoming free webinar on December 9, 2020 which will focus on the latest combustion…
Conference // WaterEnergyNEXUS Digital Event
In an effort to address the problems surrounding the nexus between water and energy, the University of Sfax (Tunisia), in cooperation with the…
Webinar // Solar Powered Water Systems in Humanitarian Context – Types and Configurations
This event is the first of a four-part webinar series, organized jointly by Global Solar and Water Initiative project and energypedia. It will focus…