Climate change
Research Article // Multidimensional Role of Agrovoltaics in Era of EU Green Deal: Current Status and Analysis of Water–Energy–Food–Land Dependencies
By Aikaterini Roxani and colleagues. The emerging technology of agrovoltaics offers a balanced solution for both agricultural and renewable energy…
Программа регионального диалога по усилению взаимосвязи в Центральной Азии // Обеспечение продовольственной безопасности через повышение эффективности работы насосных станций в Согдийской области Таджикистана
Часть страны расположена на высоте более 3000 метров над уровнем моря. В связи с этим более 50% орошаемых земель Таджикистана расположены в зонах…
Job Vacancy // Senior Water Security Advisor
The Mercy Corps is seeking a Security Advisor who is familiar with Water Security, Sanitation and Hygiene.
Toolkit // Nexus Impact Assessment (NIA) Toolkit
The Nexus Impact Assessment (NIA) Toolkit provides a comprehensive methodology and user-friendly tools which address the potential impacts on other…
Research Article // Exorcising Malthusian ghosts: Vaccinating the Nexus to advance integrated water, energy and food resource resilience
By Paul S. Kempa, Michele Acutob, Shaun Larcomc, Darren Lumbrosod, Markus R .Owene. This paper explored the nature of Nexus interactions, such as…
Review // FAO Workshop on: Promoting Water Tenure for Food Security, Climate Resilience and Equity
The FAO-led workshop “Promoting Water Tenure for Food Security, Climate Resilience, and Equity” was implemented in coordination with adelphi on June…
Report // Water–Energy–Food Security–Ecosystems in Africa. Science Behind the Debate
By the Joint Research Centre (JRC), the European Commission’s science and knowledge service. In the technical report 'Water–Energy–Food…
Nexus Blog // Understanding the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in a warming Climate
In this article, the authors explore what the WEF Nexus is, how to minimize trade-offs and maximise co-benefits within it, and what opportunities it…
Report // The nature of conflict and peace: The links between environment, security and peace and their importance for the United Nations
By Rüttinger, Lukas; Raquel Munayer, Pia van Ackern, and Florian Titz. This new report by WWF and adelphi looks at how climate-security can be…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // Training of trainers on the interactive Nexus Game was held in Almaty
ALMATY, KAZAKHSTAN – The Regional Environmental Centre of Central Asia within the framework of the EU-funded project «Nexus Dialogue in Central Asia»…
Research Article // Agricultural Water Security under Climate Change in the Iberian Peninsula
By André Fonseca and colleagues. This study presents an analysis and discussion of climate change impacts on water and agricultural sectors in the…
Research Article // Gender equity and social inclusion in the water-energy-food-ecosystems (WEFE) nexus: Frameworks and tools for moving from resource-centric to people-centric WEFE nexus approaches
By Riina Jalonen and colleagues. This learning module focuses on how to integrate gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) considerations in WEFE…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // The Nexus Project Team took part in the Europe Day Festival
On May 6th, the Nexus Regional Dialogue's team from Central Asia participated in the Europe Day festival in Tashkent along with 35 other EU-funded…
Research Article // Water, energy and environment in Eurasia
By Oktay.F. Tanrisever and Halil Burak Sakal. This book highlights the analytical benefits of employing the nexus approach in studying the complex…
Programme d'accélération Nexus dans le Bassin du Niger // Série d'Article N°9 : Green Business Consulting, pour une offre plus compétitive
Installée au Niger, la startup Green Business Consulting contribue à la satisfaction des besoins énergétiques des ménages et à la restauration de la…