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Policy Brief // Outcomes of the EU Horizon 2020 DAFNE PROJECT: The Zambezi River Basin Integrated Cooperation for a Vital Resource
This policy brief is derived from research conducted under €5.5M four-year EU Horizon 2020 and Swiss funded ‘DAFNE’ project which concerns the…
Video // Use of alternative water sources for agriculture
Are alternative water sources a viable solution to the problem of irrigation in European regions with water scarcity? An investigation into the…
Policy Brief // Improving sustainable development in the North Western Sahara Aquifer System through a transboundary nexus approach
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe published a policy brief highlighting the main results of a participatory assessment of the…
Policy Brief // The WEF Nexus Approach: An Imperative Enabler for Sustainable Development in the MENA Region
By Waleed Khalil Al-Zubari, Khalid Nahar Alrwis. This Policy Brief suggests four recommendations to foster the WEF Nexus approach in the MENA region.
ОПИСАНИЕ ПРОЕКТА // Проект Нексус Диалог в Центральной Азии: Фаза 2
Основываясь на результатах первой фазы проекта (2016-2019гг.), вторая фаза нацелена на институциализацию подхода ВЭП Нексус в национальных и…
Policy Brief // Integrated Policies to Improve the Energy-Water-Food System Nexus to Achieve the SDGs
By Carlo Andrea Bollino, Venkatachalam Anbumozhi, Suresh Babu, Yamaji Eiji, Marzio Galeotti. This Policy Brief focusses on an integrated approach…
Policy Brief // Promoting Human-Centric Technologies and the Urban Nexus to address the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Sustainability Challenges of Smart Cities
By Ghadah Aldabbagh, Nikos Dimitriou, Jauad el Kharraz, Hammou Laamrani, Kamal Tumi, Daniela Diegelmann, Majed Mohammed Mustafa Hallawani, Abdullah M…
Project Information // Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme Central Asia: Phase II
The objective of Phase II of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme in Central Asia is to create an enabling environment to facilitate sustainable…
Policy Paper // Towards sustainable renewable energy investment and deployment: Trade-offs and opportunities with water resources and the environment
This “tool-kit” publication by UNECE - a joint effort of the Environment and Sustainable Energy Divisions - proposes a pragmatic approach to support…
Nexus Principles // The Water, Energy and Food security Nexus Principles
The Water-Energy-Food security Nexus Principles guide towards the application, implementation and operationalisation of the Water-Energy-Food…
Policy Brief // Soil as the ‘missing link’ for the Water-Energy-Food-Environment Nexus
This is a policy brief that was originally published by Magic Nexus (www.magic-nexus.eu) and has been reposted here with their friendly permission.…
Article // The FE²W Network - Review and Outlook
This is a summary of a prospectus by the Food Energy Environment Water Network (www.fe2wnetwork.org) which has been reposted here with their friendly…
Article // Alternative water resources and the illusion of control
This article originally appeared on the MAGIC Nexus website (https://magic-nexus.eu/) and has been reposted here with their friendly permission. By…
Article // The power of best practice WEF Nexus cases
This article was originally published on the IUCN website (iucn.org) and has been re-published here with their friendly permission. It deals with the…
Case study // Solving water problems or creating a new one?
This article was originally published by MAGIC Nexus (magic-nexus.eu) and has been re-published here with ther friendly permission. It gives on…
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