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Water-Energy Nexus // Energy Resource Use Options for Improved Energy Security in Ethiopia
By Hiroshan Hettiarachchi, UNU-FLORES. Ethiopia’s energy sector faces critical challenges to meet a steadily increasing energy demand. This is due to…
Thirsty Energy Case Study // Modeling the Water-Energy Nexus in China
By Diego Juan Rodriguez, Morgan Bazilian, Anna Delgado Martin and Fernando Miralles-Wilhelm. China is increasingly aware of the complex…
Nexus Conference Chapel Hill // Outcome Document
The document is the official message of the conference convened by the Water Institute at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill addressing…
Strengthening Climate Resilience in Urban Amazonia // Experiences from Tarapoto and the Cumbaza Watershed in San Martín, Peru
This brief presents a Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus case study of the Cumbaza River watershed in San Martin, Peru. The dynamic socio-ecological…
The Nexus Perspective // For the Integrated Realisation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
By Hannah Janetschek, Ines Dombrowsky. Bonn / Chapel Hill, 16 April 2018. Multiple stakeholders representing governments, intergovernmental…
Financing for Development // Progress and Prospects 2018
Report of the Inter-agency Task Force on Financing Development. The 2018 report of the Inter-agency Task Force on Financing for Development finds…
Policy Paper // BMZ Strategy for Interlinkages - Practical Implementation of the 2030 Agenda. Synergies and Conflicts between water (SDG 6) and other goals
By the Federal Ministry of Economic Development and Cooperation (BMZ) of Germany.
Nexus Conference Chapel Hill // Draft Outcome Message
The draft outcome message from the Nexus Conference is available. A new version will be produced for the conference to have available and a final…
Stakeholder Analysis for the Food-Energy-Water Nexus in Phoenix, Arizona // Implications for Nexus Governance
By Dave D. White, J. Leah Jones, Ross Maciejewski, Rimjhim Aggarwal and Giuseppe Mascaro. How do stakeholders involved in food, energy, and water…
WATER4LIFE // Special Feature on Water by the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany
At the World Water Day, 2018, this Special Feature on Water shows how German water policy touches the ground and links water to food and energy…
Water-Migration Nexus Policy Paper // Migration and its Interdependencies with Water Scarcity, Gender and Youth Employment
By Michaela Miletto, Martina A. Caretta, Francesca M. Burchi and Giulia Zanlucchi. This WWAP publication presents a review of the climate, water and…
Nexus in Large Asian River Basins // Water-Food Nexus in Citarum Watershed, Indonesia
By R.F. Lubis, R. Delinom, S. Martosuparno and H. Bakti. The water-food nexus is promoted as an approach to look at the linkages between water and…
Saving Watts to Save Drops // Inclusion of Water Efficiency in Energy Efficiency Programs
By Weston Berg and David Ribeiro. This study provides an overview of practices for quantifying and reporting avoided energy-water costs from…
Food, Energy and Water Nexus for Livelihood Security in India // FEWLing the Growth
By Chandan Bhavnani, Himanshu Shekhar, Nitesh Chandra, Arnesh Sharma and Parajdeep Singh Dhillon. India's high political and economic ambitions are…
The Reuse Opportunity // Cities Seizing the Reuse Opportunity in a Circular Economy
This report argues that decisive, urgent and large-scale action is needed to dramatically increase wastewater treatment, reuse and recycling. The…
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