Программа регионального диалога по усилению взаимосвязи в Центральной Азии // Анализ достигнутых результатов по демо проекту в Таджикистане, способствующие обеспечению ВЭП безопастности в стране
Настоящая статья описывает окончательные результаты демо-проекта, недавно завер-шенного в Таджикистане, а именно разработку Концепции цифровизации…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // Analysis of achieved results of the demo project in Tajikistan, contributing to WEF security in the country
This article summarizes the final results under the demo project in Tajikistan that include the Concept on digitalization of the electricity metering…
Research Article // A factorial inexact copula stochastic programming (FICSP) approach for water-energy- food nexus system management
By Yu Wang and colleagues. In this research, a factorial inexact copula stochastic programming (FICSP) method is developed for planning the…
Research Article // Circular Economy in the Biosolids Management by Nexus Approach: A View to Enhancing Safe Nutrient Recycling—Pathogens, Metals, and Emerging Organic Pollutants Concern
By Sérgio Siqueira de Amorim Júnior and colleagues. The biosolids contain nutrients that can be recycled by agricultural soils. However, they contain…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // Ensuring food security through improved efficiency of pumping stations in Sughd province of Tajikistan
Part of the country is located at an altitude of more than 3,000 meters above sea level. In this regard, over 50% of the irrigated lands of…
Программа регионального диалога по усилению взаимосвязи в Центральной Азии // Обеспечение продовольственной безопасности через повышение эффективности работы насосных станций в Согдийской области Таджикистана
Часть страны расположена на высоте более 3000 метров над уровнем моря. В связи с этим более 50% орошаемых земель Таджикистана расположены в зонах…
Research Article // Projecting hydrologic change under land use and climate scenarios in an agricultural watershed using agent-based modeling
By David Dziubanski and Kristie J. Franz. In this study, researchers use a model that combines an agent-based model (ABM) with a semi-distributed…
Enabel International Conference // The importance of water in the context of climate change adaptation, Brussels, 25th – 26th April 2023
On 25th and 26th April 2023, the international conference on Climate Change adaptation and water was organised by Enabel, the Directorate-General for…
Nexus Regional Dialogue LAC // Government entities in Chile participate in a Nexus simulation and build bridges across institutions.
On May 16, representatives from several Chilean governmental institutions built a new collaborative relationship by tackling the security challenges…
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Nexus Newsletter, Issue N° 17, June 2023
The Nexus Newsletter is filled with project updates including activities, milestones and achievements as well as the latest news on the WEF Nexus,…
Research Article // Water allocation using system dynamic modelling in the aquaculture integrated with small-scale irrigation systems in Malawi
By Brighton Austin Chunga and colleagues. The agricultural sector is faced with numerous challenges including climate change and water scarcity in…
Research Article // Multidimensional Role of Agrovoltaics in Era of EU Green Deal: Current Status and Analysis of Water–Energy–Food–Land Dependencies
By Aikaterini Roxani and colleagues. The emerging technology of agrovoltaics offers a balanced solution for both agricultural and renewable energy…
Job Vacancy // Agrivoltaics and Energy-Water-Land Nexus - Researcher III
The National Renewable Energy Laboratory’s (NREL’s) Strategic Energy Analysis Center is seeking a Researcher who is familiar with agrivoltaic systems…
Job Vacancy // Open Rank Professor in Food, Water, Energy Nexus
Northeastern University’s College of Arts, Media and Design (CAMD) invites applications for open-rank, tenured or tenure-track positions in the…
Research Article // Energy optimization of a food-energy-water microgrid living laboratory in Yukon, Canada
By Daniel J. Sambor, Henry Penn and Mark Z. Jacobson. This study determines how to best operate the diesel generator to maximize solar PV…