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1067 Évènements
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event 06 nov. 2022 18 nov. 2022 location Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt

27th Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC (COP27) // Sharm El-Sheikh Climate Change Conference

Between 6 and 18 November 2022, Heads of State, ministers and negotiators, as well as climate activists, civil society and economy representatives will meet in Sharm…

event 04 nov. 2022 location Online

Webinar // The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus: How to improve governance and accountability

The Bonn Water Network and the Water Integrity Network (WIN) are hosting a webinar to discuss best practises and remaining challenges in WEFE-Nexus governance. This webinar…

event 13 oct. 2022 16 oct. 2022 location Argentina I online

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme in LAC // Peri-urbans towards consensus, 2022: towards food and technology sovereignty to guarantee the human right to adequate food and nutrition

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme in Latin America and the Caribbean is proud to support the Second National Scientific Congress “Peri-urbans towards consensus, 2022:…

event 10 oct. 2022 13 oct. 2022

Conference // European Week of Regions and Cities

The European Week of Regions and Cities is an annual four-day event during which cities and regions showcase their capacity to create growth and jobs, implement European…

event 21 sept. 2022

Webinar // NEXUS Gains Talks 4: Towards an integrated water storage diagnostic

The session is being held by the NEXUS Gains – a One CGIAR Initiative that will examine water, energy, food and ecosystem (WEFE) systems in transboundary bread-basket basins…

event 15 sept. 2022

Conference // GLF Africa 2022 Digital Conference: How to build an equitable, resilient food future

Many parts of Africa are facing catastrophic drought due to the effects of climate change. But there’s good news: a growing movement of local communities and traditional…

event 13 sept. 2022

Event // Upscaling the WEF Nexus for a Climate Resilient Future

The event aims to address the barriers and opportunities to upscaling water and energy efficient technologies in the agriculture sector in the MENA region by highlighting…

event 11 sept. 2022 15 sept. 2022 location Copenhagen, Denmark

Congress // World Water Congress & Exhibition. Water for smart liveable cities

The International Water Association invites water professionals and organizations to Copenhagen for their 5-day World Water Congress and Exhibition. Presentations on latest…

event 05 sept. 2022 location University of Oulu I online

Workshop // Untangling the role of Ecosystems and their Services in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus: an interdisciplinary hybrid workshop

The University of Oulu and the Water Harvesting Lab of the University of Florence are organising an interdisciplinary hybrid workshop on the role of Ecosystems in the…

event 30 août 2022 location Online via YouTube Live

Webinario // Energía y Cambio Climático Energía-Agua

Propuesta para un sistema energético Mexicano justo y sustenable. En esta ocasión, se abordará el tema: "Energía y agua: hacia una ciencia integral".

event 30 août 2022

Stockholm WWW 2022 // The value of transboundary cooperation for addressing global changes jointly

This year’s Stockholm World Water Week will be centered around the topic of “Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water”. Addressing the topic of transboundary cooperation for…

event 29 août 2022

Stockholm WWW 2022 // Investing in the future: A paradigm shift in LAC

This year’s Stockholm World Water Week will be centered around the topic of “Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water”. Addressing the topic of adopting innovative financing…

event 24 août 2022

Stockholm WWW 2022 // Improving security and climate resilience with participatory processes

This year’s Stockholm World Water Week will be centred around the topic of “Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water”. The Frexus session aims at taking the discussion on water,…

event 24 août 2022

Stockholm WWW 2022 // Améliorer la sécurité et la résilience climatique grâce aux processus participatifs

Cette année, la Semaine Mondiale de l'Eau de Stockholm concentre sur le thème "Voir l'invisible : la valeur de l'eau". L’événement Frexus a pour but d'approfondir la…

event 23 août 2022 01 sept. 2022 location Stockholm, Sweden I Hybrid

Stockholm World Water Week 2022 // Seeing the Unseen: The Value of Water

World Water Week 2022 takes place from 23 August to 1 September. For the first time, you can join us both online and in Stockholm, Sweden. This year's event offers close to…

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