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event 15 nov. 2023 18 nov. 2023 location Marrakesh, Morocco - Centre de Conférences de l'Université Cadi Ayyad

Event // SmaCuMed International Conference on Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus in the Mediterranean

The SmaCuMed International Conference on Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus in the Mediterranean (WEFE2023) which will take place from 15th to 18th November 2023 in the…

event 06 nov. 2023 07 nov. 2023 location Zaragoza (Spain)

Advanced Course // Integrating the Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem (WEFE) nexus approach in Mediterranean irrigated agriculture

Organized by the International Centre for Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM), through the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (CIHEAM Zaragoza), the…

event 19 oct. 2023 location Virtual (via Zoom)

Webinar // Flowing Forward: Navigating Water Sustainability in Agriculture on the Road to COP28

As the global community gears up for COP28, the pressing issue of water sustainability in agriculture commands our attention. This webinar sheds light on innovative tools and…

event 18 oct. 2023

Online Event // Nexus Gains Talk 16 - Water is life, water is food: A nexus approach to water productivity that leaves no one behind

This NEXUS Gains Talk will discuss the role of water productivity in ensuring that water is used in ways that support food security and nutrition and leave no one behind.

event 05 oct. 2023 location online

Webinar // Linking the Water-Energy-Food Nexus to Sanitation in the WANA Region

The objective of the Webinar is to understand the link between the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus and sanitation, by examining cross-cutting themes between sanitation, food…

event 04 oct. 2023 05 oct. 2023 location Rome, Italy / Hybrid

FAO Rome Water Dialogue 2023

Following the first edition of the Rome Water Dialogue hosted by FAO in November 2022 and building on the UN 2023 Water Conference, FAO is committed to continue its Water…

event 28 sept. 2023 location Online

Online Event // Nexus Gains Talk 15 - Gender and Energy: Measures to accelerate equity and social inclusion in South Asia’s rural energy transition

This NEXUS Gains Talk will assess reasons for the gender and energy conundrum, discuss learnings from case studies on inclusive energy access, and present recommendations to…

event 27 sept. 2023 29 sept. 2023 location Split, Croatia

Nexus Regional Forum of Stakeholders // From nexus thinking to nexus implementation in South Europe and beyond – Mutual learning between practitioners and policy makers

This NexusNet Regional Forum puts the focus on practitioners, those who affect and who are affected by the WEFE nexus. It will bring together the WEFE nexus community of…

event 25 sept. 2023 29 sept. 2023 location Dakar (Senegal).

Global FRIEND Water 2023 International Conference // Addressing unsolved problems in hydrology for a water secure world in a changing environment

Every four years, a world conference is held to bring together all the scientists involved to discuss the challenges of research on water issues. The new edition will take…

event 19 sept. 2023

Integrity Talk // Making better use of public funds for water through participation and integrity?

In the run up to the publication of a new Water Integrity Global Outlook on finance for water and sanitation, we'll discuss integrity issues and how civil society can…

event 19 sept. 2023 location online

Centre for Climate and Environmental Research (CCER) Webinar #1: SDGs and the Water, Energy, Food, and Land Nexus: Achieving Sustainable Synergies

Centre for Climate and Environmental Research (CCER) organizing a webinar series on "Environmental Sustainability" The First webinar of the series going to be held on 19th…

event 06 sept. 2023 07 sept. 2023 location Dresden, Germany

Event // Textile Symposium on “Responsible Resource Use in the Textile Industry”

The Textile Symposium will bring together representatives from academia, industry, international organisations, and government from Germany, Bangladesh, and beyond. In a…

event 22 août 2023 location online

Event // World Water Week 2023 Official Session I Integrating Water Storage: First Steps in Assessment, Progress toward Incentives

This online NEXUS Gains session at World Water Week will drill down into two practical aspects of how integrated water storage can be realized. First, how to measure and…

event 21 août 2023 location Room A3 & Online

Event // WWW 2023: Promoting Innovation in Transboundary Cooperation through Water Convention Tools

The global water crisis increases pressure on transboundary waters. The UN Water Convention and its partners have developed several innovative tools to address challenges in…

event 20 août 2023 24 août 2023 location Stockholm (Sweden) or online

Event // World Water Week, August 2023

Organised by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI), the World Water Week 2023 will take place between August 20 and August 24, 2023. The event aims to develop…

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