Nexus Workshop // Outcomes of the Cairo Water Week 2019 Side Event: Promoting Urban Nexus in the MENA Region
This article summarizes the main outcomes and discussion points of the workshop "Promoting Urban Nexus in the MENA Region - A Side Event at Cairo…
Nexus Blog // Desalination Outlook for MENA
By Salman Zafar. This article discusses how renewable energy-powered desalination could be a sustainable opportunity to increase supply of potable…
Nexus Regional Dialogue MENA // A National Dialogue in Khartoum on Water, Energy and Food Nexus
By Dr. Nisreen Lahham and Maarit Thiem (Nexus Regional Dialogue Programme). On 30 September 2018, the Nexus Regional Dialogue in the MENA region…
World Bank Blog // Water, Food and Energy in the Arab World: A Collective Challenge
By Anders Jägerskog. Groundwater is fast disappearing in the Middle East and North Africa region. Under a business-as-usual approach to the use of…
Water Utilities for Climate Mitigation // Energy-efficient Pumps for Climate Mitigation in Madaba, Jordan
By Mohammad Almalla. The governorate of Madaba, Jordan receives its drinking water from the Hidaan wells which are more than 400m lower located that…
Nexus in MENA // Joint FAO-GIZ Session on SPIS with Water-Energy-Food Nexus Focus at Cairo Water Week
By Nisreen Lahham. From 14-18 October 2018, under the auspices of His Excellency President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of…
SWWW 2018 Outcomes // MENA Focus: Benefits for Ecosystems and Wetlands Through the Nexus
In the Mediterranean, wetlands are among its richest ecosystems, providing exceptional value and services including water purification, flood…
Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystem Nexus Atlas for the Mediterranean // Seeking Examples of Best Practices
The European Commission's Joint Research Centre (JRC), the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) and the Global Water Partnership for the Mediterranean…
BMZ Strategy for Interlinkages Between Water, Energy and Agriculture (Nexus Perspective) // Examples from the MENA Region
By Maarit Thiem and Nisreen Lahham. The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) has published its new “Strategy for…
Gulf News // Energy-Water Nexus Crucial to Middle East
By: Saadallah Al Fathi. Without access to the precious liquid, the oil and gas industry flounders, and without energy, the region goes thirsty.
Nexus in MENA // Iraq Energy Institute Launches Task Force on the Future of Iraq's Water Resources
The Iraq Energy Institute (IEI) formed a task force on the future of Iraq’s water resources. The initiative was a result of a workshop entitled…
Job Vacancy // Communication Coordinator for Gulf Region at the Dutch Consulate General in Dubai
The Dutch Consulate General in Dubai is looking for a part-time communication coordinator. This colleague will work on implementing a multi-year…
Nexus in MENA // Nexus Session at the 3rd Arab Water Conference in Kuwait, 2-3 May, 2018
The Third Arab Water Conference in Kuwait included a working session on the water-energy-food (WEF) Nexus that convened on 3 May 2018. The conference…
وزارة الخارجية والتعاون الدولي // دولة الإمارات تشارك في اجتماع المجلس الوزاري العربي للمياه بالكويت
ترأس سعادة الدكتور مطر حامد النيادي وكيل وزارة الطاقة والصناعة وفد الدولة المشارك في اجتماع الدورة العاشرة للمجلس الوزاري العربي للمياه بدولة الكويت…
Job Vacancy // Senior Policy Officer for Water, Food and Energy Nexus in the Gulf region at the Netherlands Embassy in Abu Dhabi
The Netherlands Embassy in Abu Dhabi is looking for a Senior Policy Officer that can work energetically to achieve regional cooperation on the water,…
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