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La Plateforme de Ressources Nexus est soumise à un développement stratégique et technique continu.
Slides // Water-Food-Energy: well-being indicators for a better quality of life
By Fabiola Riccardini, istat, in Paris in June 2015. Despite the progress the international community has done thanks to the Millennium Development…
Presentations // Re-framing silos to accelerate development pathways
held on this panel on the 2015 World Water Week in Stockholm on 28August 2015
Slides // Climate-smart agriculture
by Ralph Sims, at Federated Farmers National Conference "Resilient Agri-business" in Wellington, New Zealand on July 2nd, 2015
Slides // Modelling Innovation at Water Energy Food Nexus
PhD Project opportunity at Cranfield School of Management within the area of Complex Systems / Complexity.
Slides // Climate and the water-energy-food nexus up
by Carole Dalin, London School of Economics, at the Our Common Future Under Climate Change conference, July 7-10 in Paris, France
Slides // Critical Roles of Water in Achieving the proposed SDGs: A Nexus Perspective
held by Douglas Merrey and Seleshi Bekele Awulachew (UN-DESA) at the Workshop on "Capacity Development in Advancing Water and Sustainable…
Slides // Exploring the Energy-Water Nexus: An analysis with TIAM-ECN for the Middle East
by Tom Kober, Bob van der Zwaan and Matthew Halstead at the ESTAP Semi-annual workshop in Abu Dhabi on 1 June 2015
Slides // Ecosystems Underpin Infrastructure in The Nexus
held at the conference Solutions for the Nexus in Beijing, China in November 2014
Slides // Water and Security: SEE 2020 Perspective
held by Srdan Susic, Regional Co-operation Council, at the The 23rd OSCE Economic and Environmental Forum in Belgrade, 12 May 2015
Slides // Tackling complexity in a changing climate: the water-energy-food nexus in low income countries
by Louise Karlberg (Stockholm Environment Insitutute) as a Webinar for the The International Center for Climate Governance (ICCG) on May 8th, 2015
Slides // Actions taken in the field of water resources since the tenth session of the Committee on Water Resources
held on the 11th Session of the ESCWA Committee on Water Resources in Amman, Jordan, 26-27 March 2015
Slides // Proposed programme of work for the biennium 2016-2017 in the field of water resources
held on the 11th Session of the ESCWA Committee on Water Resources in Amman, Jordan, 26-27 March 2015
Slides // Dammed or damned: the role of hydropower in the water and energy nexus
by Andrea Castelletti, Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano (Italy), at the E4D ETH Winter School 2015 on Global Water Challenges
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