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Infographic // The Nexus Circle
By German Development Institute / Deutsches Institut für Entwicklungspolitik (DIE). This infographic shows the central position of water, energy and…
The Water-Land Nexus // Performance of Large Irrigation Schemes using the Example of the Gezira Scheme in Sudan
Worldwide, economic growth and changing lifestyles raise the demand for food production by almost 100% in 2050. Expanding irrigation is seen as a…
Infographic // The Water Footprint of Energy
How much freshwater is required to produce one unit of energy? Natural gas, coal, crude oil, photovoltaics, wind – every type of energy requires a…
Infographic // Meeting the Water-Energy-Food Nexus Together
Addressing increasing demands with advanced water & processing technologies.
Infographic // Addressing the Energy-Water Nexus
How can we reduce the consumption of fresh water used to produce electricity? This infographic summarizes some of the discussion points.
Infographic // Energy, Water, Food Nexus
An infographic showing the interdependence of different resources in the Gulf economies.
Infographic // A Diagram of the Water-Energy Nexus
A graphic on the water-energy nexus from the US Dept. of Energy (DOE).
Infographic // Interactions between water, energy and food
Optimization - innovation - solution
Infographic // Utilities called upon to address energy-water nexus
Utilities can be part of addressing these challenges of the energy-water nexus by educating consumers on the important role that energy plays in…
Infographic // thirsty energy - Energy and Water's Interdependence
A large infographic documents prepared by the World Bank shows the water-energy interdependence in terms of energy needs water and water needs…
Infographic // The Water-Energy Challenge
Illustrating the water-energy challenge in numbers. By the World Bank
Infographics // The Environment Nexus: Your Digital Ecosystem
The IIEA/European Parliament Environment Nexus is an online hub for EU environment policy. Under three themes — water; agriculture and food security;…
Animation // Nature in Water Security
Water resources vital to human well being and human activities are a product of nature. Through services that ecosystems perform, water flows are…
Animation // "What if I told you: you eat 3.496 litres of water"
Animation on virtual water: "Eating water might sound strange, but you are about to discover that actually you eat loads of it, you are addicted to…
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