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La Plateforme de Ressources Nexus est soumise à un développement stratégique et technique continu.
Slides // Using Earth Observations to address the basin scale information needs of the Water-Energy-Food security nexus
By Richar Lawford held on the Bonn 2014 Nexus Conference „Sustainability in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus", 19-20 May 2014.
Slides // An Integrated Map to Coordinate Coastal, Water & Fisheries Policies in Japan: Visualizing a Water & Food Nexus
By Aiko Endo, Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), held on the Bonn 2014 Nexus Conference „Sustainability in the Water-Energy-Food…
Slides // Energy Access and the Nexus with Water, Food and Land
Presentation by Prof. Emanuela Colombo, Rector's Delegate to Cooperation and Development, UNESCO Chair in Energy for Sustainable Development,…
Slides // The Need for an Integrated EO Strategy and Requirements to address the WEF - Nexus
Presentation held by John Latham, United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), on 25 March 2014 at the workshop "Earth Observations and…
Slides // GEO and support to W - E - F Nexus
Presentation held by Douglas Cripe, Group on Earth Observations (GEO), on 26 March 2014 at the workshop "Earth Observations and the Water-Energy-Food…
Slides // GWSP assessments of water management and the WEF Nexus
Presentation held by Rick Lawford, International Institute on Sustainable Development (IISD) on 25 March 2014 at the workshop "Earth Observations and…
Slides // Earth Observations and the Water Energy Food Nexus
Presentation held by Cat Downy, European Space Agency, on 25 March 2014 at the workshop "Earth Observations and the Water-Energy-Food Security…
Slides // W-E-F Nexus - Potential for improved resource use efficiency
Presentation held by Anik Bhaduri, Global Water System Project, held on 25 March 2014 at the workshop "Earth Observations and the Water-Energy-Food…
Slides // Strategic studies to support hydropower planning in Lower Mekong Basin to optimize hydropower development opportunities and minimize uncertainty and risks associated with them
Presentation by Voradeth Phonekeo, Mekong River Commission, held on April 3rd, 2014, at the conference "Cooperation for Water, Energy, and Food…
Slides // Study on the impacts of mainstream hydropower on the Mekong river
Presentation by Nguyen Thi Thu Linh, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Viet Nam (MONRE), held on April 3rd, 2014, at the conference…
Slides // Transboundary cooperation to support food, water and energy security: Experience of the GMS Core Environment Program
Presentation by Sumit Pokhrel, Greater Mekong Subregion Core Environment Programme (GMS - CEP), held on April 3rd, 2014 at the conference…
Slides // Transboundary integrated management of sediment related resources in the Lower Mekong (ecosystems, territorial integrity, power and construction sectors)
Presentation by Lois Koehnken, World Wildlife Fund (WWF), held on April 3rd, 2014, at the conference "Cooperation for Water, Energy, and Food…
Slides // Assessment of climate change impacts to water resources recession and food security in the Mekong delta
Presentation by by Tran Thuc, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Viet Nam, held on April 3rd, 2014, at the at the conference…
Slides // Assessing the water-food-energy-ecosystems nexus under the UNECE Water Convention
Presentation by by Annukka Lipponen, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) held on April 2nd, 2014 at the at the conference…
Slides // Water, energy and food systemic approach: social participation and sustainable development
Presentation by Nelton Miguel Friedrich, Itaipu Binacional, held on April 3rd, 2014, at the conference "Cooperation for Water, Energy, and Food…
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