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205 Noticias
8 de 14 páginas
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event 16 sept. 2021

Vacancy // Water-Agriculture Nexus Advisor at WE4F

The Regional Innovation Hub in South and Southeast Asia of Water and Energy for Food (WE4F) is searching for a Water-Agriculture Nexus Advisor. The…

event 14 sept. 2021

Call for entires // Integrated Urban Services pilot city applications

The Pilot City application is open for the Integrated Urban Services (IUS) program under the U.S.- ASEAN Smart Cities Partnership (USASCP). The IUS…

event 31 ago. 2021

Vacancy // M&E External Surveyor at WE4F

Would you like to be part of solving some of the world’s greatest challenges for development? Now is your chance to contribute. Water and Energy for…

event 27 ago. 2021

News // Water and (in-)security in Afghanistan as the Taliban take over

By the Water, Peace and Security (WPS) team The takeover by the Taliban not only affects people’s immediate lives and security, but will also have…

event 02 ago. 2021

Программа регионального диалога по усилению взаимосвязи в Центральной Азии // Водно-энергетическое сотрудничество в бассейне реки Амударья

Энергетической и водной проблематике придается приоритетное значение в государственной политике и дипломатии Туркменистана, который тесно…

event 02 ago. 2021

Программа регионального диалога по усилению взаимосвязи в Центральной Азии // Водноэнергетическое сотрудничество Узбекистана и Туркменистана в бассейне реки Амударья

Энергетической и водной проблематике придается приоритетное значение в государственной политике и дипломатии Туркменистана, который тесно…

event 01 ago. 2021

Программа регионального диалога по усилению взаимосвязи в Центральной Азии // Водно-энергетическое сотрудничество в бассейне реки Амударья

Энергетической и водной проблематике придается приоритетное значение в государственной политике и дипломатии Туркменистана, который тесно…

event 01 ago. 2021

Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // Water and energy cooperation in the Amudarya River Basin

Turkmenistan places a high priority on water and energy issues in its state policy and diplomacy, while closely cooperating with neighboring…

event 29 jul. 2021

Article // Thinking Hydrologically - An Interview with Oyture Anarbekov, IWMI Country Manager – Uzbekistan

By Clara Colton Symmes, Princeton in Asia Fellow, IWMI. Water is running out in Central Asia. New approaches to water regulation, energy production,…

event 23 jul. 2021

Vacancy // Senior Research Fellow on Water, Food and Ecosystems at SEI in Thailand

The Stockholm Environment Institute Asia, based in Bangkok, is looking for a Senior Research Fellow on Water, Food and Ecosystems to join its Water…

event 22 jul. 2021

News // Research shifts policy from energy subsidy to water savings in Uzbekistan's irrigated heartland

In Uzbekistan, most agricultural land is irrigated with water pumped from two rivers, the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya. This pumping consumes 20% of…

event 06 jul. 2021

Nexus Blog // "Eau, énergie et réflexion" - Lancement de la nouvelle série de webinaires du Dialogue Régionale Nationale (NRD)

Le programme de dialogues régionaux Nexus (NRD), financé conjointement par la Commission européenne et le ministère fédéral du développement…

event 06 jul. 2021

Nexus Blog // “Water, Energy and Food for Thought” - Launch of NRDs new webinar series

The Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme (NRD), jointly funded by the European Commission and the Federal Ministry for Economic Development and…

event 14 jun. 2021

Blog // Groundwater depletion in Punjab and Haryana through the lense of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus

By Harnoor Kaur. Despite receiving normal precipitation levels, north-western India has emerged as a hotspot for groundwater depletion. This…

event 06 may. 2021


КАЗАХСТАН, СЕВЕРНЫЙ АРАЛ – Сегодня в Аральском районе Кызылординской области состоялось открытие двух саксаульных парников и туманария в рамках…

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