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21 Noticias
2 de 2 páginas
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event 25 oct. 2022

Le projet du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruzizi // La GIZ organise une formation pour les acteurs clés du bassin afin d'assurer la durabilité des données pour le projet du lac Kivu et du bassin de la rivière Ruzizi/Rusizi

Cet article présente les résultats de l'atelier de formation des acteurs clés du bassin pour assurer la durabilité des données pour le projet…

event 27 sept. 2022

Nexus Interview Series // Eleonora Hoffmann, Advisor Global Nexus Secretariat, Human Capacity Development

The interview series aims to provide a better picture of the people within the Nexus team and their perspectives on Water Energy Food Nexus…

event 27 sept. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme MENA // Demonstration Projects in Egypt: Water-Energy-Food Nexus Farming Design Thinking Workshop Dandara, Egypt

In the view of supporting farmers and entrepreneurs, an interactive workshop gathering 29 farmers, financial institutions representatives,…

event 08 sept. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // Training of trainers on the interactive Nexus Game was held in Almaty

ALMATY, KAZAKHSTAN – The Regional Environmental Centre of Central Asia within the framework of the EU-funded project «Nexus Dialogue in Central Asia»…

event 08 sept. 2022


АЛМАТЫ, КАЗАХСТАН – Региональный экологический центр Центральной Азии в рамках проекта Европейского Союза «Нексус диалог в Центральной Азии»…

event 19 ago. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Training of Trainers in Dandara-Upper Egypt

A Training of Trainers workshop took place in Dandara, Upper Egypt between 4th -6th August 2022 in which 16 young graduates learned about the impact…

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