Próximos eventos
Conference // WEFE Nexus International Conference
The WEFE NEXUS International Conference, under the theme “Exploring and Bridging Nexus for a Sustainable Future,” will take place on February 11-12, 2025, at the Institut…
Conference // Water Energy Nexus Conference
The 5th WaterEnergyNEXUS Conference will leverage an international platform to facilitate the exchange of critical insights into sustainable development goals. Participants…
Conference // CGIAR Science Week
CGIAR and the Kenyan Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO) are convening the world’s leading scientists and decision-makers at the intersection of…
Conference // Dresden Nexus Conference
The Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC) will take place in Dresden from 8-10 April 2025, under the theme: "The Future of Resources – Resources of the Future." Since its…
Symposium // Global FEWture Alliance Second Annual Symposium
The Global FEWture Alliance advances systems-based interdisciplinary research-to-action, community-driven capacity building, and experiential education to effect positive…
Conference // 5th International Conference on Water, Energy, Food and Sustainability
The conference aims to be a major forum to foster innovation and exchange knowledge in the water-energy-food nexus, embracing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the…
Symposium on Knowledge and Capacity for the Water Sector
The 7th International Symposium on Knowledge and Capacity for the Water Sector will bring together sector organizations, knowledge institutes and policy makers to explore the…
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