Cities/urban Nexus
Urban Nexus India // Urban Nexus Training Successfully Conducted in India
By Ruth Erlbeck and Rashane Sala-Ngarm. India is currently shifting its focus from rural to urban development as urban areas contribute to more than…
Urban Nexus // The Urban Nexuses of Social Injustice
By Dunu Roy. Held at the Nexus Network Urban Nexus Workshop, 12-13 May 2016. The present nexus of resource use is clearly unsustainable and unjust.…
Presentations // Third Regional Workshop on Integrated Resource Management in Asian Cities: the Urban Nexus: Day 1
Presentation by Ms. Le Thi Kim Phuong, Department for Planning and Investment, Da Nang, Third Regional Workshop on Integrated Resource Management in…
Research Article // Food, Energy, and Water Nexus at Household Level: Do Sustainable Household Consumption Practices Promote Cleaner Environment?
By Pomi Shahbaz and colleagues. This study explored the role of different sustainable household consumption practices in promoting a clean…
Research Article // Present and Future Losses of Storage in Large Reservoirs Due to Sedimentation: A Country-Wise Global Assessment
By Duminda Perera, Spencer Williams and Vladimir Smakhtin. Estimates of storage losses globally are largely lacking. In this study, earlier proposed…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // Construction materials from the THC Sediment proves their suitability for construction
The Central Asian Institute of Environmental Research (CAIER) has received confirmation from the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Service of the…
Research Article // The water use of heating pathways to 2050: analysis of national and urban energy scenarios
By C Kaandorp, N van de Giesen, and E Abraham. If not properly managed, the transition to low-carbon heating systems could exacerbate water stress or…
Project // IN-SOURCE: INtegrated analysis and modelling for the management of sustainable urban FWE ReSOURCEs
This project aims to develop a shared urban data and modeling framework to help decision makers (such as governments, utilities, developers,…
HLPF Nexus Side Event Presentation // Addressing Resilience through the Nexus of Water-Food-Energy – Cities as SDG Laboratories
By Felix Dodds. The Nexus community is growing in numbers, in depth of analysis and in influence. While the focus of the existing Nexus is on Water,…
Research Article // Planning regional-scale water-energy-food nexus system management under uncertainty: An inexact fractional programming method
By Kai Huang and colleagues. In this study, an inexact fractional programming (IFP) method has been adopted to provide management strategies for the…
Report // Include the fossil-free transition in the next Water Action Agenda
By Karina Barquet and colleagues. This report examines the need for the leaders to account climate, ecosystem, social benefits and trade-offs. These…
Программа регионального диалога по усилению взаимосвязи в Центральной Азии // ЧЛЕНЫ СЕТИ АКАДЕМИЧЕСКИХ СООБЩЕСТВ ПРИНЯЛИ УЧАСТИЕ В НЕКСУС ИГРЕ В ДУШАНБЕ
17 мая 5-я Центральноазиатская конференция по изменению климата (ЦАИКС-2023) провела Nexus Game с участием представителей Сети академических обществ.
Study Guide // Thirst for Power
This study guide works with the documentary adapted from Dr. Michael E. Webber’s book Thirst for Power: Energy, Water, and Human Survival. Combining…
Research article // Integration of green and gray infrastructures for sponge city: Water and energy nexus
By Yongjun Sun, Li Deng, Shu-Yuan Pan, Pen-Chi Chiang, Shailesh S. Sable, Kinjal J. Shah. This paper introduces the concepts of gray infrastructure,…
Urban Nexus // Dynamic and Interactive Urban Nexus Trainings in Indonesia
By Ruth Erlbeck, Ralph Trosse, Rashane SalaNgarm. Two back to back workshops were organized end of November 2018 in Jakarta, Indonesia: an Urban…