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1149 الموارد
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event ١٤ يوليو ٢٠٢٢

Research Article // Haloculture and Haloengineering in the Context of Water-Energy-Food Nexus

By Farhad Khorsandi. Haloculture, and Haloengineering as its complementary component, were discussed under the framework of WEFN. Haloculture, by…

event ١٣ يوليو ٢٠٢٢

Research Article // Paths and strategies for a resilient megacity based on the water-energy-food Nexus

By Yun ZHU and colleagues. The roadmap of disaster impacting on the resilience of megacities was analyzed to select indexes, an evaluation index…

event ١٣ يوليو ٢٠٢٢

Research Article // Understanding implications of climate change and socio-economic development for the water-energy-food Nexus: A meta-regression analysis

By Xinxueqi Han and colleagues. Based on meta-regression approaches, this study quantifies the changes in food, energy production and water…

event ١١ يوليو ٢٠٢٢

Working paper // Unpacking the water-energy-environment-food Nexus: Working across systems.

By Aditya Sood, Alan Nicol and Indika Arulingam. In this report, a Water-Energy-Environment-Food Nexus framework is proposed that links social and…

event ٠١ يوليو ٢٠٢٢

Publication // Best Practices in Water, Energy and Food Nexus ecosystem in the European-Mediterranean Partner Countries Region mapped by NEX-LABS

This document summarizes the key findings derived from the NEX-LABS project activities analyzing a series of best practices in the current Water…

event ٣٠ يونيو ٢٠٢٢

Research Article // Agent-Based Modeling for Integrating Human Behavior into the Food–Energy–Water Nexus

By Nicholas R. Magliocca. Agent-based models (ABMs) have received increasing usage in efforts to better represent and integrate human behavior into…

event ٢٩ يونيو ٢٠٢٢

Working Paper // Guidelines for community-led multiple use water services: evidence from rural South Africa.

These generic guidelines derived from the lived experience of the project show how a community-led approach implements step-wise planning, design and…

event ٢٩ يونيو ٢٠٢٢

Research Article // Evolution of water–energy–food–climate study: current status and future prospects

By Yuanchun Zhou, Bin Wei, Ran Zhang and Hui Li. Based on the bibliometric analysis, this paper reviewed the current situation of Nexus research over…

event ٢٨ يونيو ٢٠٢٢

Research Article // Water, Energy and Carbon Tradeoffs of Groundwater Irrigation-Based Food Production: Case Studies from Fergana Valley, Central Asia

By Akmal Kh. Karimov and colleagues. This study results suggest that when carbon emissions become the main factor of environmental and agricultural…

event ١٥ يونيو ٢٠٢٢

Research Article // Quantifying Sustainable Land-Water-Energy-Food Nexus: The Case of Sustainable Livelihoods in an East African Rift Valley

By Zinabu Wolde and colleagues. This study investigates the link between sustainable LWEF Nexus and livelihoods. Qualitative data were generated…

event ١٤ يونيو ٢٠٢٢

Research Article // SD-DSS model of sustainable groundwater resources management using the water-food-energy security Nexus in Alborz Province

By Mehdi Rahmani, Seyed Habib Musavi Jahromi and Hossein Hassanpour Darvishi. This study conducted dynamic modelling of sustainable ground water…

event ١٤ يونيو ٢٠٢٢

Research Article // Nexus disrupted: Lived realities and the water-energy-food Nexus from an infrastructure perspective

By Antje Bruns and colleagues. This study provided insight on different Nexus configurations on individual, up to intra-regional scales and showed…

event ١٣ يونيو ٢٠٢٢

Research Article // Examining Lebanon's Resilience Through a Water-Energy-Food Nexus Lens

By Bassel Daher, Silva Hamie, Konstantinos Pappas and Julie Roth. This study concludes that considering the case of Lebanon through a…

event ١٠ يونيو ٢٠٢٢

Research Article // Household water-energy-food security nexus: Empirical evidence from Hamburg and Melani communities in South Africa

By Thulani Ningi, Amon Taruvinga, Leocadia Zhou, and Saul Ngarava. This paper concludes that water security is one of the major issues from the study…

event ٠٩ يونيو ٢٠٢٢

Research Article // Unravelling hidden factors explaining competition for and overuse of groundwater in Azraq, Jordan: digging deeper into a network of action situations

By Daniel Oberhauser, Ramona Hägele and Ines Dombrowsky. In Azraq in Eastern Jordan, farmers, domestic users, and a wetland ecosystem compete for and…

1 3x
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