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تخضع منصة موارد الترابط للتطوير الاستراتيجي والفني المستمرين.
Research Article // Water–Energy–Food Nexus in the Agri-Food Sector: Research Trends and Innovating Practices
By Víctor Correa-Porcel, Laura Piedra-Muñoz and Emilio Galdeano-Gómez. The Water–Energy–Food Nexus analysis carried out provides an overview of the…
Research Article // A GIS-Based Model to Assess the Potential of Wastewater Treatment Plants for Enhancing Bioenergy Production within the Context of the Water–Energy Nexus
By Francesca Valenti and Attilio Toscano. The study, developed by taking into account both collected data and GIS-based analyses, allowed elaborating…
Research Article // Bioenergy Potential of Crop Residues in the Senegal River Basin: A Cropland–Energy–Water-Environment Nexus Approach
By M. Pastori and colleagues. This study developed a methodological approach by taking into consideration the context-specific land management…
Research Article // SDG Implementation through Technology? Governing Food-Water-Technology Nexus Challenges in Urban Agriculture
By Sandra Schwindenhammer and Denise Gonglach. This study shows that the emerging SUSKULT technology has the potential to facilitate SDG…
Report // Assessment and Monitoring of Soil Erosion Parameters in theTransboundary Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River Basin
Research Article // Bringing WASH into the Water–Energy–Food Nexus in Humanitarian Settings
By Shilpi Srivastava, Jeremy Allouche, Roz Price and Tina Nelis. WASH intersects with all SDGs – this publication is part of an IDS Working Paper…
Research Article // The Water-Energy-Food Nexus Index: A Tool to Support Integrated Resource Planning, Management and Security
By Gareth B. Simpson and colleagues. Based on the constituent indicators, the WEF Nexus Index is a function of the national resource base (e.g.,…
Research Article // A novel modelling toolkit for unpacking the Water-Energy-Food-Environment (WEFE) nexus of agricultural development
By M.E. Correa-Cano and colleagues. An integrated WEFE Nexus modelling toolkit that covers the biophysical and socioeconomic aspects of agricultural…
Research Article // Modeling and Optimization of Water–Food–Energy Nexus for Malaysia’s Agricultural Sector
By Qi Siah and Haslinda Zabiri. With the increasing population and food consumption, it is challenging to be able to meet the growing demand with the…
Handbook // Handbook on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
Edited by Floor Brouwer, Senior Research Scholar, Wageningen Research, the Netherlands. This Handbook provides a comprehensive overview of how water,…
Research Article // Toward sustainable water resources management: critical assessment on the implementation of integrated water resources management and water–energy–food nexus in Afghanistan
By Ajmal Khan Shams and Nur Shazwani Muhammad. This study found that it is important to apply integrated approaches like integrated water resources…
Research Article // Sustainability of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Caribbean Small Island Developing States
By Zachary S. Winters, Thomas L. Crisman, and David T. Dumke. Small island developing states (SIDS) have several factors that hinder their long-term…
Research Article // Performance Evaluation and Water Availability of Canal Irrigation Scheme in Punjab Pakistan
By Imran Sajid, Bernhard Tischbein, Christian Borgemeister, and Martina Flörke. The study provided detailed information on the status of irrigation…
Research Article // Input-Output Efficiency of Water-Energy-Food and Its Driving Forces: Spatial-Temporal Heterogeneity of Yangtze River Economic Belt, China
By Min Ge, Kaili Yu, Ange Ding and Gaofeng Liu. From the perspective of improving resource utilization efficiency, this paper regarded Water Energy…
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