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تخضع منصة موارد الترابط للتطوير الاستراتيجي والفني المستمرين.
Research Article // Appraising the Water-Energy-Food Nexus from a Sustainable Development Perspective: A Maturing Paradigm?
By Adam P Hejnowicz and colleagues. The water-energy-food (WEF) nexus is a prominent approach for addressing today’s sustainable development…
Research Article // Determination of water requirement and crop coefficient for strawberry using lysimeter experiment in a semi-arid climate
By Ata Amini and colleagues. This research is aimed at measuring the water requirement, crop coefficient, and strawberry canopy coverage for…
Research Article // Neighborhood-Scale Urban Water Reclamation with Integrated Resource Recovery for Establishing Nexus City in Munich, Germany: Pipe Dream or Reality?
By Mohammed S. M. Al-Azzawi and colleagues. With the rapid expansion of cities due to population growth and urbanization, conventional centralized…
Publicación // Informe de conclusiones sobre inversión en sistemas circulares de tratamiento de agua y energía renovable para América Latina y el Caribe con enfoque Nexo
Presentado por Alfredo Montañez Velásquez. De acuerdo con el objetivo del contrato correspondiente al “Apoyo a la investigación sobre Inversión en…
Publication // Conclusions report on investment in circular water treatment and renewable energy systems for Latin America and the Caribbean with the Nexus approach
By Alfredo Montañez Velásquez. In accordance with the objective of the contract relating to “Support for research on investment in circular water…
Research Article // Relationship between Water Use and Energy Generation from Different Power Generation Types in a Megacity Facing Water Shortages: A Case Study in Shenzhen
By Lin-Jun Li and colleagues. Using less water to generate more power is a goal of the worldwide power industry. This study used long-term data…
Research Article // A Critical Appraisal of the Sustainability of Bangladesh's Water Governance from Nexus Perspectives
By Sajid Karim. Demographic change, coupled with industrialization, urbanization, and economic activities, has vastly increased the demand for water…
Research Article // Evaluation of the Utilization Efficiency of Water Resources in China Based on ZSG-DEA: A Perspective of Water–Energy–Food Nexus
By Tianming Zhang and colleagues. As the simple models cannot study the correlation among the resources of the WEF nexus; the methods of WEF nexus…
Book // Water Interactions – A Systemic View: Why we Need to Comprehend the Water-Climate-Energy-Food-Economics-Lifestyle Connections
By Gustaf Olsson. During the last two decades, the interrelationship between water and energy, and the couplings to food and agriculture have become…
Research Article // Feasibility of energy generation with biogas at the household level: assessing the impact of anaerobic co-digestion of waste activated sludge and food waste taking a Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus approach
By Gabriel Hernandez-Robles & Daphne Gondhalekar. In this paper, the effects of anaerobic co-digestion at household level with waste activated sludge…
Research Article // Agricultural water use efficiency and spatial spillover effect considering undesired output in China
By Dong Rui and colleagues. In order to balance the relationship between agricultural water efficiency and regional economic size, this study…
Research Article // Sustainability-Focused Excellence: A Novel Model Integrating the Water–Energy–Food Nexus for Agro-Industrial Companies
By Fernando Caixeta and colleagues. The agro-industrial sector lacks the novel tools needed to integrate sustainability in their businesses, such as…
Research Article // An assessment of strategies for sustainability priority challenges in Jordan using a water–energy–food Nexus approach
By Camilo Ramirez and colleagues. This study aimed at supporting robust decision-making for planning and management of water–energy–food Nexus…
Research Article // Adaptive Responses to Water, Energy, and Food Challenges and Implications on the Environment: An Exploratory Study of Harare
By Crecentia Pamidzai Gandidzanwa and Muchaiteyi Togo. In southern Africa, the scarcity of the resources has escalated due to increased pressure from…
Research Article // Elevating the role of water resilience in food system dialogues
By Nathanial Matthews and colleagues. Good governance for resilient water resources is a necessary precursor to ensuring resilient food systems and…
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