event 01 ago. 2022

Research Article // Quantifying and analysing water trade-offs in the water-energy-food nexus: The case of Ghana

By Emmanuel K. Opoku and colleagues. Based on the results of this study, the implementation of policies and the application of more technological advancement in the management of the WEF resources is highly recommended, as this would aid in combatting the negative impacts of population growth on demands for WEF resources.

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Fig. 1. Interlinkages between Sustainable Development Goals of water, energy and food. (Opoku et al., 2022)


Water, Energy and Food (WEF) are inextricably linked, and the Water-Energy-Food nexus (WEF nexus) provides a comprehensive framework for addressing the complex and intricate interconnections in the development of these invaluable resources. Quantifying the interconnections among energy, water, and food sectors is a preliminary step to integrated WEF systems modelling, which will further contribute to robust WEF security management. However, the use of the WEF nexus concepts and approaches to systematically evaluate WEF interlinkages and support the development of socially and politically relevant resource policies in Ghana has been limited. This study sets the pace in the development of WEF nexus research in Ghana to facilitate policy and decision-making in the WEF sectors in the country. The study aimed at quantifying the existing water trade-offs in the WEF nexus and also model the trade-offs considering basic development scenarios. The water intensities of food production and energy generation in Ghana were found to be 990 m3/tonne and 2.05 m3/kWh respectively. Scenario analysis was done to project future annual water requirements for food production, energy generation as well as socio-domestic WEF demands based on two possible development scenarios. The analysis predicts that with business as usual, the annual water requirements for food production and energy generation as well as domestic sustenance in Ghana would increase by 34% in 2030. However, technological advancements and innovation in the energy and food sectors could reduce annual water requirements by over 26% even when 100% access to electricity is achieved nationwide.


June 2022


Water-Energy Nexus


Opoku, E. K., Adjei, K. A., Gyamfi, C., Vuu, C., Appiah-Adjei, E. K., Odai, S. N., & Siabi, E. K. (2022). Quantifying and analysing water trade-offs in the water-energy-food nexus: The case of Ghana. Water-Energy Nexus, 5, 8-20.


Quantifying and analysing water trade-offs in the water-energy-food nexus: The case of Ghana

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