Nexus methodology
Webinar // The UN 2023 Water Conference: Perspectives for Cooperation, Peace and Development
The Geneva Water Hub is organizing a webinar on the United Nations 2023 Water Conference, which will take place on May 10th, 2023. The webinar will…
Capacity Building Webinar // Water- Energy- Food Nexus
Organised by the Africa Europe Water and Energy Network, the virtual capacity building webinar will take place May 9, 2023 and it aims to investigate…
9th German-African Agribusiness Forum - The Path to Food Sovereignty – Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture for Africa
The Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme will present its project activities as part of a session at the 9th German-African Agribusiness Forum. The…
Symposium // Water-Energy-Food Nexus symposium of the state-of-the-art, gaps and advances in WEF research
The aim of the symposium is to provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art, gaps and advances in WEF research. Well-known keynotes and…
Webinar // NEXUS Gains Talks 4: Towards an integrated water storage diagnostic
The session is being held by the NEXUS Gains – a One CGIAR Initiative that will examine water, energy, food and ecosystem (WEFE) systems in…
Conference // Nature-based Solutions in a Changing Climate 2022
This conference is bringing together leading researchers from the social and natural sciences, engineering and economics with policymakers, civil…
Serie de Diálogos Regionales Nexo Seminario // Iniciativa Nexo aqua - energía - alimentatción para la planificatión territorial
El evento se centrará en la planificación territorial desde una perspectiva Nexus y contará con ponentes de Argentina, Chile, Uruguay y Brasil, cada…
Conference // Global Symposium on Soil Fertility
International science-policy meeting to be held at FAO headquarters in May 2022. Co-organized by FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the…
Webinar // 2nd Journal of Ecohydraulics Webinar on Environmental Flows and Water-Food-Energy-Ecology Nexus
The International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research is hosting the Journal of Ecohydraulics Webinar on Environmental Flows…
Stakeholder Session // Water-Energy-Food Nexus research in Southern Africa
An online kick-off workshop will take place on April 7 2022 for all selected research project consortia and external stakeholders. Project partners…
Webinar // WEF Nexus approach and scientific writing
This is the first event in a series of webinars on water-energy-food and health Nexus in the context of climate change in Central Asia. This event…
Workshop // PRIMA Journée d'information et formation pour les pays francophones
Les pays du Maghreb, le Liban et la France, en coordination avec la Fondation PRIMA ont le plaisir de vous inviter à participer à un workshop dédié à…
Virtual Matchmaking Event // Research Initiatives Cooperation South Africa – the Netherlands: Integrating Health Approaches and WEF-Nexus
The National Research Foundation (NRF) of South Africa and NWO launched a third call for proposals, entitled ‘Integrating Health Approaches and…
Online Training // The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus: From Research to Practice
Call to researchers from the Mediterranean! Are you researching in the sectors of natural resources such as water, energy or agriculture? Are you…
Webinar // Reporting on climate change complexity in the Mediterranean region
On November 29, AMWAJ is hosting a webinar exploring the interlinkages between water, energy, food and ecosystems (WEFE Nexus) with regards to…