Cities/urban Nexus
Research Article // Characterizing and Defining of Designing Sustainable Product-Service Systems Applied to Distributed Water-Energy-Food Nexus
By Meng Gao, Renke He, Carlo Vezzoli, Ma Ke and Yuting Zhang. This study shows that Sustainable Product-Service System (SPSS) and Distributed…
Training Publication // The Urban Nexus Integrating Resources for Sustainable Cities
This publication was prepared under the project “Integrated Resource Management in Asian Cities: The Urban Nexus, which was jointly initiated with…
Urban Nexus // Unpacking and Re-assembling the Urban Nexus: A Socio-technical Perspective on Urban Infrastructures
By Tim Moss. Held at the Nexus Network Urban Nexus Workshop, 12-13 May 2016. Tim Moss spoke on the aspirations and critical questions of nexus…
Presentations // Third Regional Workshop on Integrated Resource Management in Asian Cities: the Urban Nexus: Day 2
Presentations: Third Regional Workshop on Integrated Resource Management in Asian Cities: the Urban Nexus, 25 - 27 June 2014, Da Nang, Viet Nam
Research Article // The food water energy nexus in an urban context: Connecting theory and practice for nexus governance
By Mari R. Tye and colleagues. In this paper, we review the FWE nexus literature with the focus on urban scale and identify gaps in the scholarly…
Report // The Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative - Food, water, energy Nexus call
The Sustainable Urbanisation Global Initiative (SUGI)/Food-Water-Energy Nexus is a call jointly established by the Belmont Forum and the Joint…
Руководитель команды Глобального Нексус секретариата в Бонне Мариана Родригес подтвердила, что Нексус инициативы РЭЦЦА в Центральной Азии были также…
Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // Integrating the water-energy-food-ecosystems nexus into national planning systems
The second phase (2020-2023) of the European Union project "Central Asian Dialogue to Promote Sectoral Financing through the Water-Energy-Food Nexus"…
Publication // A 40-year review of food–energy–water nexus literature and its application to the urban scale
By Newell, J. P., Goldstein, B., & Foster, A. (2019). What research exists to date on the FEW nexus? How have scholars conceptualized these…
FAPESP Fellowships // Postdoctoral Fellowships in Sustainable Urbanization
The FAPESP Fellowships is linked to the Belmont Forum/JPI project “Understanding Innovative Initiatives for Governing Food, Water and Energy Nexus in…
Urban Nexus Project // Integrated Resource Management in Asian Cities: The Urban Nexus Project
By Ruth Erlbeck. The “nexus” approach aims at integrated planning and management processes of the key sectors of energy, water and food. This…
Research Article // The Water-Energy–Food Nexus in European Countries: A Review and Future Perspectives
By Somayeh Rezaei Kalvani and Fulvio Celico. This paper investigates the status of the WEF nexus in European countries. It is highlighted that most…
Программа регионального диалога по усилению взаимосвязи в Центральной Азии // ЕС ПРОДОЛЖАЕТ ПОДДЕРЖИВАТЬ ДИАЛОГ ПО ВЗАИМОСВЯЗИ «ВОДА-ЭНЕРГИЯ-ПРОДОВОЛЬСТВИЕ» В ЦЕНТРАЛЬНОЙ АЗИИ
Финансируемый ЕС проект «Нексус Диалог в Центральной Азии» приступил к реализации второй фазы (2020-2023 гг.), основываясь на результатах своей…
Webinar // Localising the WEFE nexus in cities: Translating EU policy into urban investments
The ECDPM organised a online roundtable to bring together practitioners and policymakers to discuss how EU policy can be translated into actions that…
Research Call // ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities Matchmaking Platform
The ERA-NET Cofund Urban Transformation Capacities (ENUTC) invites researchers, urban government authorities, – including cities and municipalities,…