event 15 jun. 2016

The Nexus in the Arab Region Policy Brief // Understanding the Nexus and Associated Risks

The WEF Nexus in the Arab Region Series is published by the League of Arab States (LAS), with technical and financial support from the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). This policy brief specifically describes the context of the Nexus in the Arab region and associated risks and challenges.

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Water security, energy security and food security are inextricably linked in the Arab region, perhaps more than in any other region in the world. Generally, the region is known to be energy intensive, water scarce, food deficient, and one of the world's most economically and environmentally vulnerable regions to climate change. This strong interdependency between water, energy, food and climate change in the Arab region calls for the nexus approach and thinking when addressing the management of these three vital sectors.


MENA Nexus Policy Brief - Understanding the Nexus and Associated Risks (English)

MENA Nexus Policy Brief - Understanding the Nexus and Associated Risks (Arabic)

Further information

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