event 16 oct. 2012

Global Hunger Index 2012 // Ensuring Sustainable Food Security under Land, Water, and Energy Stresses

Hunger is inextricably linked to growing pressure on land, water, and energy resources. Recent events–drought, large-scale land investments, high energy prices – underscore how much we depend on these resources to produce the world's food supply.

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The 2012 Global Hunger Index, released for the seventh year by the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Welthungerhilfe, and Concern Worldwide, assesses the state of world hunger and identifies the countries and regions where hunger and malnutrition are most severe. #box:addon


{http://www.ifpri.org/publication/2012-global-hunger-index|Full report} {http://www.ifpri.org/publication/2012-global-hunger-index-0|Issue brief} {http://www.ifpri.org/pressroom/briefing/2012-global-hunger-index-press-briefing|Media materials} {http://www.ifpri.org/tools/2012-ghi-map|Maps} {http://www.ifpri.org/book-8018/node/8058|Data} {http://youtu.be/p9PEFqGqLvI|Video} {http://www.slideshare.net/ifpri/2012-global-hunger-index|Powerpoint} #box This year, the Index focuses on the threat unsustainable use of land, water, and energy poses to the food security of the world's poorest and most vulnerable – and it recommends policies to improve the situation. Demographic changes, rising incomes and associated consumption patterns, and climate change, alongside persistent poverty and inadequate policies and institutions, are all placing serious pressure on natural resources. In this report, IFPRI describes the evidence on land, water, and energy scarcity in developing countries and offers two visions of a future global food system – an unsustainable scenario in which current trends in resource use continue, and a sustainable scenario in which access to food, modern energy, and clean water improves significantly and ecosystem degradation is halted or reversed. Concern Worldwide and Welthungerhilfe provide on-the-ground perspectives on the issues of land tenure and title as well as the impacts of scarce land, water, and energy on poor people in Sierra Leone and Tanzania and describe the work of their organizations in helping to alleviate these impacts.

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