Transboundary waters
Rapport // Etude de base du bassin du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruizizi
L'étude de base du bassin documente l'état actuel des ressources en eau et de l'environnement naturel du bassin tout en identifiant les forces,…
Publicación // Lecciones de Chile para la adopción del enfoque del Nexo: análisis de políticas de fomento de tecnologías de riego, gestión integrada de cuencas, fondos de agua y energía sostenible
By Blanco Elisa. La adopción del enfoque del Nexo entre agua, energía y alimentación, se plantea como una estrategia sólida para apoyar la gobernanza…
The Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River Project // ABAKIR, ALT to partner on transboundary water resources management
By Jpierre Bucyensenge. The Lake Kivu and Rusizi/Ruzizi River Basin Authority (ABAKIR) and the Lake Tanganyika Authority (ALT /LTA) have signed a…
Blog Nexus // Aperçu de la séance de la COP26: L’eau, le climat et les frontières : Le rôle de la coopération entre les bassins fluviaux pour la résilience climatique
Dans le cadre du tout premier Pavillon eau de la Conférence sur le climat COP26, qui a eu lieu le 12 novembre 2021, la GIZ, en collaboration avec le…
Web Platform // Transboundary Water Management (TWM) Database
Launched in October 2011 by the Swedish Water House, the Transboundary Water Database maps the activities, processes, and projects of - and tools…
Research Article // Water-energy-food nexus in the Yarlung Tsangpo-Brahmaputra River Basin: Impact of mainstream hydropower development
By Haoyang Lyu and colleagues. From the perspective of Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus, this study analyzed the possible trade-offs and synergies among…
Publicación // Análisis comparativo de acciones con enfoque del Nexo Agua-Energía-Alimentación: lecciones aprendidas para los países de América Latina y el Caribe
By Bárbara A. Willaarts, Elisa Blanco, Alba Llavona and Diego Martínez. Este estudio constituye un esfuerzo para visibilizar y analizar políticas…
Report // Institutionalisation of the WEFE Nexus in the Niger Basin
By Ousmane Seidou and colleagues. In less than one year the Niger Basin Authority, an intergovernmental body tasked with the sustainable development…
Publication // A novel causal structure-based framework for comparing a basin-wide water–energy–food–ecology nexus applied to the data-limited Amu Darya and Syr Darya river basins
By Haiyang Shi, Geping Luo, Hongwei Zheng, Chunbo Chen, Olaf Hellwich, Jie Bai, Tie Liu, Shuang Liu, Jie Xue, Peng Cai, Huili He, Friday Uchenna…
The Lake Kivu and Ruzizi River Project // Online Reports available from the project, “Support to the integrated management of water resources of lake Kivu and the Ruzizi River basin”
We are pleased to report that on October 31, 2022 the project, „Support to the integrated management of water resources of lake Kivu and the Ruzizi…