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285 Capacity Building
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IMG 20220208 WA0008 750x375
event 21 февр. 2022

Nouvelles // Sud-Kivu/ESU : l’UOB lance officiellement les activités du projet de gestion des déchets au lac Kivu et sur la rivière Ruzizi

Dans le but de réduire sensiblement les menaces de pollution qui pèsent actuellement sur la zone littorale du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruzizi à…

Csm rural21 1 2020 s22 3a31e03719
event 08 апр. 2020

Publication // Capacity development for solar-powered irrigation

This is an abstract of an article that originally appeared in Rural21 (rural21.com), an international journal for rural development. The article…

Urban nexus workshop bicol region philippines
event 29 мая 2018

Urban Nexus // Climate Resilient Housing Technology Transfer Training Workshop for the Bicol Region, Philippines

A technology transfer and dissemination training-workshop on the Climate Change Resilient Pilot Housing (CCRPH), led by the Bicol State College of…

IMG 0365
event 23 авг. 2022

Frexus Project // Atelier de validation de l’étude portant sur l’analyse systémique des conflits

Un atelier de validation du rapport de l’étude portant sur l’analyse systémique des conflits dans certaines zones du Delta du Niger en dressant…

Module 1 1 Introduction AR
event 15 дек. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Training Materials in Arabic

Download the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Training Material (Arabic) here.

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event 02 мая 2023

Research Article // Assessing the effects of water resources allocation on the uncertainty propagation in the water–energy–food–society (WEFS) nexus

By Yujie Zeng and colleagues. This article proposes an approach that helps to quantify the effects of water resources allocation on the uncertainty…

event 27 июл. 2022

Research Article // An Input–Output Analysis of the Water–Energy–Food Nexus Based on the Intensity and Quantity Index System—A Case Study of 30 Provinces in China

By Ke Zhang, Zihao Shen and Chengshuang Sun. This paper studied the impact of the water–energy–food nexus on the economy and calculated the value of…

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event 05 мая 2022

Research Article // GIS-based assessment for the potential of implementation of food-energy-water systems on building rooftops at the urban level

By A.L. Montealegre, S. García-Pérez, S. Guillén-Lambea, M. Monzón-Chavarrías, and J. Sierra-Pérez. This study presents a methodology for…

event 25 янв. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogue Central Asia // European Union launches the project to support water, energy and food security in Tajikistan

TAJIKISTAN – The first working meeting on the implementation of the demonstration project on pumping stations of Tajikistan took place in Dushanbe on…

Logo university of montana usa
event 09 окт. 2017

NSF-funded Graduate Student Opportunities // "Bridging Divides across the Food, Energy, and Water Nexus" at University of Montana, USA

Applicants are sought for a NSF-funded graduate traineeship (National Research Traineeship; NRT) at the University of Montana, UM BRIDGES: Bridging…

Dandara WS 2
event 27 сент. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme MENA // Demonstration Projects in Egypt: Water-Energy-Food Nexus Farming Design Thinking Workshop Dandara, Egypt

In the view of supporting farmers and entrepreneurs, an interactive workshop gathering 29 farmers, financial institutions representatives,…

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event 23 янв. 2023

LATAM4WEF Innovations Programme // Article Series No. 1: Successful applicants start innovations programme

Bringing together SMEs and youth innovators that are aware of challenging realities in local communities, LATAM4WEF provides a collaborative space…

1 s2 0 S0378377423002081 gr2 lrg
event 16 мая 2023

Research Article // Assessment of agricultural adaptations to climate change from a water-energy-food nexus perspective

By Lina Wu, Amin Elshorbagy and Warren Helgason. This study provides an approach to comprehensively evaluate agricultural adaptation strategies, in…

event 11 июл. 2022

Review // FAO Workshop on: Promoting Water Tenure for Food Security, Climate Resilience and Equity

The FAO-led workshop “Promoting Water Tenure for Food Security, Climate Resilience, and Equity” was implemented in coordination with adelphi on June…

event 28 мар. 2022

News // Let’s work on Gender Equality Today for a more Sustainable Tomorrow in the Drin Basin

On 8th of March 2022, the world celebrated the International Women’s Day (IWD) under the theme #GenderEqualityTodayforaSustainableTomorrow.…

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Cecilia Vey

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