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Ресурсная платформа Нексус постоянно совершенствуется в стратегическом и техническом отношении.
NEXUS Gains // Learning resources for water–energy–food–ecosystems (WEFE) nexus capacity development
A suite of learning resources to support capacity development on the WEFE nexus for a wide range of actors. The contents focuses on technical as well…
Lessons Learned // Connecting Companies and Environmental Resources: Knowledge Products Gathered Along the We For Food Initiative
Over a series of four-year, Water and Energy for Food, an international initiative, targeted small middle-sized enterprises working along the…
Frexus Project // Training materials for security actors
Discover the training materials (available in French only) for security actors, developed throughout the Frexus Project. The latter aimed to improve…
Legacy of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Final Products
After six years of diligent implementation, the conclusion of the Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme, was successfully achieved in June 2023.…
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Training Materials in Arabic
Download the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Training Material (Arabic) here.
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Training Materials in Russian
Скачать учебный материал Nexus Water-Energy-Food (WEF) (на русском языке) можно здесь.
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Training Materials in Spanish
Descargue aquí el material de formación sobre el nexo entre agua, energía y alimentos (español).
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Training Materials in French
Téléchargez le matériel de formation sur les Nexus Eau-Energie-Sécurité Alimentation (français) ici.
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Training Material
The Nexus Regional Dialogues (NRD) Programme, in cooperation with adelphi, created a Nexus Training to inspire the implementation of the…
E-learning Course // Introduction to CLEWs
OpenLearn Create is offering an e-learning course introducing the climate, land use, energy and water (CLEWs) models as tools to simulate WEF…
Training Material // Water Peace and Security E-Learning Module
Do you want to learn more about how water-related risks link to conflict and how such conflict can be prevented or mitigated? Take the Water, Peace,…
Training Materials // The Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems (WEFE) Nexus: From Research to Practice
GIZ, in collaboration with PRIMA, held a 3-day online workshop with the aim of strengthening capacities for WEFE Nexus solutions in the Mediterranean…
Study Guide // Thirst for Power
This study guide works with the documentary adapted from Dr. Michael E. Webber’s book Thirst for Power: Energy, Water, and Human Survival. Combining…
MOOC // The DAFNE approach to understanding and management of the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
The MOOC provides know-how transfer about methodological aspects re-quired for the investigation of the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus and the…
Training Publication // The Urban Nexus Integrating Resources for Sustainable Cities
This publication was prepared under the project “Integrated Resource Management in Asian Cities: The Urban Nexus, which was jointly initiated with…
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