Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Nexus Newsletter, Issue N° 18, September 2023
The Nexus Newsletter is filled with project updates including activities, milestones and achievements as well as the latest news on the WEF Nexus,…
The Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Why is Energy so Important for Food and Water Security?
This article by RES4Africa Foundation adresses the complexities associated with water, energy and food security on the African continent. It…
SADC holds workshop for exchange of knowledge on Water-Energy-Food Nexus and impact of climate change on communities
The Southern African Development Community (SADC) convened a workshop to share knowledge on issues involving water, energy, and food (WEF) Nexus, how…
Nexus Regional Dialogues Programme // Nexus Conference “Breaking the Silos for a Sustainable Tomorrow”
The “Nexus Dialogue” event held June 19-20th at the GIZ offices in Bonn, Germany entailed enriching discussions on the achievements, learnings,…
Nexus Dialogue in the Niger Basin // Fund-raising: promising start-ups go head-to-head with impact investors
From 22 to 24 May 2023, business meetings and matchmaking between start-ups and investors interested in the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Security Nexus…
Dialogue Nexus Bassin du Niger // Levée de fonds : un tête-à-tête entre des startups prometteuses et des investisseurs d’impacts
Du 22 au 24 mai 2023, des rencontres d’affaires et des mises en relation entre des startups d’impact et des investisseurs sensibles au Nexus…
Programme d'accélération Nexus dans le Bassin du Niger // Série d'Article N°12 : Moonsoftbio, entre éthique et responsabilité sociale
Bénéficiaire du programme d’accélération des startups NEXUS Eau-Energie-Sécurité Alimentaire, Moonsoftbio est accompagnée sur des aspects techniques…
Niger Basin Nexus Acceleration Programme // Article Series No. 12: Moonsoftbio, between ethics and social responsibility
As a beneficiary of the WEF-Nexus Acceleration Programme, Moonsoftbio receives support on technical and managerial aspects covering the optimisation…
Programme d'accélération Nexus dans le Bassin du Niger // Série d'Article N°11 : Un biodigesteur intelligent pour répondre aux défis liés à la prolifération des déchets ménagers et agricoles
Avec la forte croissance démographique, le continent africain est confronté à de nombreux défis tels que le manque d’énergie, la déforestation, la…
Niger Basin Nexus Acceleration Programme // Article Series No. 11: An intelligent biodigester to meet the challenges posed by the proliferation of household and agricultural waste
With its fast-growing population, the African continent faces a number of challenges, including energy scarcity, deforestation, waste proliferation…
Programme d'accélération Nexus dans le Bassin du Niger // Série d'Article N°10 : Green Business Consulting, à la conquête de financements et de partenariats
Dans le cadre du Programme d’accélération Nexus EESA, des activités sont périodiquement organisées au profit des startups. Parmi celles-ci, des cafés…
Niger Basin Nexus Acceleration Programme // Article Series No. 10: Green Business Consulting, attracting financing and partnerships
As part of the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Security Nexus Acceleration Programme, regular activities are organised for selected start-ups. These include…
Niger Basin Nexus Acceleration Programme // Article Series No. 9: Green Business Consulting, towards a more competitive offering
The Nigerien start-up Green Business Consulting is contributing to meet household energy needs and restore soil fertility. It markets green coal,…
Programme d'accélération Nexus dans le Bassin du Niger // Série d'Article N°9 : Green Business Consulting, pour une offre plus compétitive
Installée au Niger, la startup Green Business Consulting contribue à la satisfaction des besoins énergétiques des ménages et à la restauration de la…
Niger Basin Nexus Acceleration Programme // Article Series No. 8: Clean Energy Services, reducing greenhouse gases and improving ecological footprint
In the context of the Acceleration Programme within the incubator of the 2iE Institute, the start-up Clean Energy Services is supported in the…
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