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event 25 мая 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogue Southern Africa // Madagascar Government commits to leading Change for Investments in Water, Energy and Food Sectors

The Government of Madagascar says it is committed to ensuring that the Ministries of Water, Agriculture, and Energy are collaborating with various…

event 25 мая 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogue Southern Africa // WEF Nexus Dialogues held in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Tanzania, Madagascar and the Seychelles

Four Nexus Dialogues have successfully been organised under the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) WEF Nexus Regional Dialogue Project…

event 16 мая 2022

Call for tenders // Innovative analyses on Agri-Solar business models in the MENA region and Niger Basin

RES4Africa opens tender for innovative analyses on Agri-Solar business models in the MENA region and Niger Basin. RES4Africa's Project aims at…

event 12 мая 2022

Le projet Frexus // Une réponse aux conflits liés aux ressources dans la région du Sahel

Cet article souligne l'ambition du projet Frexus d'améliorer la sécurité et la résilience climatique dans la région du Sahel grâce à l'utilisation…

event 10 мая 2022

The Frexus project // A response to resource conflict in the Sahel region

This article highlights the Frexus project’s ambition to improve security and climate resilience within the Sahel region through the use of a global…

event 03 мая 2022

The 9th World Water Forum // Showcasing the benefits of the WEF Nexus approach in the West African region.

This year´s 9th World Water Forum took place from the 21st-25th of March 2022 in Dakar Senegal under the motto "Water security for peace and…

event 22 апр. 2022

News // Country profile: WEF Nexus and Foreign-based Universal Basic Income (FABI) in Namibia

Together a team from Penn State, University of Freiburg, Namibia University of Science and Technology and University of Namibia are collaborating to…

event 20 апр. 2022

Job posting // Review and Updating of the SADC Water Research Agenda

The Southern African Development Community (SADAC) is looking for individual consultants to review and update the SADC Water Research Agenda. Submit…

event 20 апр. 2022

Nexus Regional Dialogue Programme in the Niger Basin // Water resource management of the Lagdo hydroelectric dam in Garoua, Cameroon.

Access to natural resources and healthy ecosystems is essential for human wellbeing, dignity and sustainable livelihoods. The Lagdo hydroelectric dam…

event 14 апр. 2022

Job Posting // GIZ Junior-Berater*in für das Globalvorhaben Water and Energy for Food im Regionalhub Westafrika, Côte d’Ivoire

The global program water and energy for food is seeking a German, French and English speaking junior advisor for the Deutsche Gesellschaft für…

event 14 апр. 2022

Call for Applications // WEF Nexus Masterclass & Winter School for Southern Africa

Apply now to join the WEF Nexus Masterclass (13-15 June 2022) and Winter School (8-12 August 2022) for Southern Africa. Apply before April 30, 2022.

event 07 апр. 2022

Le Forum Fragilité Biennal // Risques combinés de la fragilité et du changement climatique

Le Forum Fragilité de la Banque mondiale a eu lieu du 7 au 15 mars 2022 autour d'un thème central orienté vers " le développement et la paix en temps…

event 07 апр. 2022

Biennial Fragility Forum // Compound Risks of Fragility and Climate Change

The World Bank’s Fragility Forum took place from 7-15 March 2022 with a central theme geared towards “Development and Peace in Uncertain Times”. This…

event 23 мар. 2022

Le projet du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruzizi// Le centre aérospatial allemand présente les résultats de leur évaluation sur le risque d'érosion dans le bassin du lac Kivu et de la rivière Ruzizi.

Cet article met en évidence les résultats de l'étude menée par le Centre Aérospatial Allemand (DLR) sur les risques d'érosion calculés à partir des…

event 22 мар. 2022

Call for Applications // Accelerating Water-Energy-Food (WEF) Nexus Startups in the Niger Basin

Call for Applicants extended to April 11 2022! The 2iE institute is organising a competition on behalf of GIZ with financing from the European Union…

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