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event 12 мар. 2021

Video // Webinar on Nexus Technical Solutions - Technical Solutions in the Mediterranean: Experience and Opportunities

Global Water Partnership–Mediterranean (GWP-Med), in partnership with the Secretariat of the Union of the Mediterranean (UfM) co-organised a Webinar…

event 03 мар. 2021

Video // An AWESOME talk about the Nile River Basin's Recording

This event from the AWESOME project was held online in December, 2020. The core of the event focused on previous research and expertise on water…

event 14 февр. 2021

White Paper // Scaling Investment in Nature based Solutions along Coasts in Emerging Countries. How to finance and accelerate implementation of nature-based solutions

By Erik van Eekelen , Johan Gauderis, Sien Kok, Boudewijn Jansen , Maurice de Kok , Artur Gleijm. Building with Nature has the potential to preserve…

event 03 дек. 2020

Video // Use of alternative water sources for agriculture

Are alternative water sources a viable solution to the problem of irrigation in European regions with water scarcity? An investigation into the…

event 28 нояб. 2020

Video // Recording of the Webinar: Modeling the Water-Energy-Food Nexus; bridging Science and Policy Making

Watch the recorded webinar on 'Modeling the Water-Energy-Food Nexus | bridging Science and Policy' Making with guest speaker Dr. Ali Karnib,…

event 14 сент. 2020

Online Event // Water, Food and Energy Nexus as Resources for Peace

The event investigates how water, food and energy - if approached through a Nexus lens - can be a source of cooperation and peace instead of…

event 08 сент. 2020

Online Event // Water-Energy Strategic Planning: Opportunities for Climate Action

The Water-Energy Nexus needs intersectoral cooperation to make climate action effective and to generate cross-sectoral benefits from strategic…

event 30 июл. 2020

Online Event // Conversations for Inspiration: The Water, Energy Food Nexus

The session "Leverage to achieve sustainable development" is part of a series of online events titled “Conversations for Inspiration” organized by…

event 28 мая 2020

Video // Exitoso Seminario Inaugural del ciclo de jornadas regionales del INTA

El seminario web estuvo dedicado al nexo entre agua, energía y alimentos en los sistemas productivos agrícolas, organizado del INTA como parte del…

event 11 мая 2020

Nexus Blog // Resultados del cuarto Foro Virtual Regional Nexo

El cuarto Foro Virtual del Nexo para América Latina y el Caribe se centró en la cuestión de cómo se pueden apoyar los marcos normativos e…

event 11 мая 2020

Nexus Blog // Outcomes of the fourth Nexus Latin America Virtual Forum

The fourth Nexus Virtual Forum for Latin America and the Caribbean organised by the Nexus Regional Dialogues programme together with CEPAL was…

event 27 февр. 2020

Online Event // How to model energy and water linkages using LEAP and WEAP

In this webinar, Stockholm Environment Institute (SEI) scientists explain how to use SEI’s two flagship modelling tools for integrated analyses of…

event 06 дек. 2019

Conférence d'experts // Prévention et gestion des conflits liés à la gouvernance des ressources naturelles en Afrique de l'Ouest

Plus de 150 experts venant de 13 pays se sont réunis du 12 au 14 novembre à Niamey pour la conférence internationale " Prévention et gestion des…

event 10 июл. 2019

Nexus Event // Brussels Briefing No. 56 “The Land-Water-Energy Nexus and the Sustainability of the Food System”

The Brussels Development Briefing n. 56 on The Land-Water-Energy nexus and the Sustainability of the Food System organised by CTA, the European…

event 11 янв. 2019

Video // Green Pumps for Jordan’s Water to combat Climate Change

This video explains how highly energy efficient water pumps can contribute to improve water, energy, and food security in the water scarce country…

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